The pupils who will attend Egham Park will be placed at the school by the Local Education Authority. Their primary area of need will be Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH).
Most will come to us having had previous negative experience of school, resulting in emotional based school avoidance for many. As a result, most will have been out of school for some time, and many will join us late in their secondary educational career.
The school offers a very flexible, low demand, low arousal environment where pupils are at the centre of their learning choices. This will equip them to feel empowered and safe within the environment.
Each pupil will have a bespoke differentiated curriculum. Whilst they will follow a timetable of subjects, they will be able to make choices as to what they are studying under those subject headings, thus motivating them to engage in learning.
Egham Park will offer blended learning in that all the programmes of study can be accessed online, and through workbooks and worksheets. This means that pupils can access their learning within the school environment, or from home, dependent upon their individual circumstances at the time. This then enables pupils to follow a bespoke, differentiated curriculum that is pupil led, motivating and accessible from school and home.
Within the school, there are just two classrooms with a maximum of 10 pupils throughout the school. Students will access their individual learning programme at their own pace whilst being supported by the class teacher and learning support assistant.
Pupils can engage in units and courses that result in a qualification, units and courses that result in a Certificate of Achievement or a combination of both. This will be determined by the students, interests, abilities and time of joining us. The learning journey decided upon is also fluid, dependent upon individual circumstances at any given time.
Our aim for all pupils is that they experience a positive association with education and learning, thus preparing them for the step of their own journey. This may be taking their first qualifications at college, further qualifications at college, employment or an apprenticeship.