Access to Fair Assessment Policy

Egham Park School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

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Statement of Assessment

  • We aim to provide a variety of qualifications which provide all students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route.
  • Our Assessment Policy is based on the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency and openness.
  •  We will endeavour to ensure that the assessment processes are implemented in a way which is fair and non-discriminatory.


Students are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it. It can be found on the school website.

All tutors are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy.

What students can expect from us

  • We aim to ensure that all assessment of work is carried out fairly and in keeping with the awarding bodies’ requirements.
  • All portfolio-based work will be assessed fairly against the qualification standards and teachers involved will be fully trained.
  • Internal assessments will be carried out fairly and according to awarding body instructions. • Externally marked tests and exams will be administered according to the requirements of the awarding body.
  • Where appropriate Access Arrangements and Special Consideration requests will be made to awarding organisations to ensure that no student is unfairly disadvantaged by any disability or learning difficulty.

Students can also expect:

  • To be fully inducted onto a new course and given information that can be shared with parents and carers.
  • Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment to be made clear at the outset of the course and when assignments are set.
  • To be given appropriate assessment opportunities during the course with feedback provided on the quality of the work.
  • All work to be marked within two weeks of submission by the student.
  • Where equivalents and exemptions can be applied, we will ensure this is pursued with the relevant awarding body.

Cheating and Plagiarism

A fair assessment of a student’s work can only be made if that work is entirely the student’s own. Therefore, students can expect an awarding body to be informed if:

  • They are found guilty of copying, giving, or sharing information or answers, unless part of a joint project
  • They use an unauthorised aid during a test or examination
  • They copy another student’s answers during a test or examination
  • They talk during a test or examination.

All allegations of cheating and plagiarism will lead to a full investigation which will follow the guidance of the relevant awarding body, and in line with Egham Park School’s Exams Malpractice Policy.

If a student feels he/she/ they have been wrongly accused of cheating or plagiarism, they should be referred to the Egham Park School Exams Complaints Policy.



  • To ensure that assessment methodology is valid, reliable and does not disadvantage or advantage any group of learners or individuals.
  • To ensure that the assessment procedure is open, fair and free from bias and to National standards.
  • To ensure that there is accurate and detailed recording of assessment decisions.
  • In order to do this, the centre will:
  • Ensure that learners are provided with assignments that are fit for purpose, to enable them to produce appropriate evidence for assessment
  • Provide resources to ensure that assessment can be performed accurately and appropriately
  • Assess learner’s evidence using only the published assessment and grading criteria
  • Ensure that assessment decisions are impartial, valid, and reliable
  • Not limit or ‘cap’ learner achievement if work is submitted late
  • Develop assessment procedures that will minimise the opportunity for malpractice
  • Maintain accurate and detailed records of assessment decisions
  • Appoint an internal moderator and comply with the ASDAN, ARTS AWARD AND FUNCTIONAL SKILLS procedure for internal moderation
  • Comply with the ASDAN, ARTS AWARDS AND FUNCTIONAL SKILLS policy on Access Arrangements: Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration