Egham Park School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Date Created | Date 1st Review Due | Date Reviewed | Version | Next Review Due |
November 2023 | November 2023 | |||
November 2023 | 2 | November 2024 | ||
November 2024 | 3 | November 2025 |
This policy should be read in conjunction with the following documents:
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
Throughout this document the terms “students” and “child” refer to any child attending Egham Park School, whether on a full-time or part time basis, or a child visiting Egham Park for the purpose of assessment. Parents, carers, and guardians will be referred to as “parents”.
Introduction The aim of this policy is to promote good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn.
It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels safe, included, and supported and that each person is respected, shown kindness, and supported to grow emotionally, as well as academically. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school Behaviour Policy is designed to enable all members of the school community to live and work together in a safe and supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, valued, and secure.
At Egham Park School, we aim to:
- Promote our core values of Respect, Kindness, and Growth in all that we do.
- Promote and support children to demonstrate a high standard of behaviour.
- Promote self-awareness, self-control, respect for authority, self and others, and acceptance of responsibility for our own actions.
- Create and maintain a positive and safe school climate where effective learning can take place, and all pupils can grow socially, emotionally, and academically.
- Promote mutual respect between all members of the school community, for belongings, and for the school environment.
- Promote independence.
- Provide a nurturing environment.
We believe that are aims area achieved when:
- Clear individualised expectations are agreed, understood, and accepted through regular activities which define what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
- A school atmosphere is created which is consistent, caring, and safe.
- Pupils are encouraged and supported to be able to make responsible behaviour choices.
- Pupils are provided with excellent role models.
- Pupils and parents understand that inappropriate behaviour has consequences, which are applied individually and fairly within the school, in a calm and considerate manner.
- These consequences are explained sensitively to pupils, peers, and staff.
Principles for Behaviour Following from the British value of democracy, Egham Park School have an agreed set of principles for behaviour, in line with the school’s core values. These are:
- Respect – Respect for yourself, for others, and the environment.
- Kindness – Be kind to yourself, to others and to all living things.
- Growth – allow yourself to grow socially, emotionally, and academically; and support others to do the same.
General School Rules
All students are expected to follow the Egham Park School rules which are (we recognise that some pupils need considerable support and guidance with this):
- We follow adult instructions.
- We use words and actions that help and don’t hurt, and that promote our Core Values of Respect, Kindness, and Growth.
- We respect all other people and their property.
- We move safely and sensibly around the school.
Egham Park School staff will do the following to help our students follow these rules:
- We will make sure that you have heard us and will give you enough thinking time to process what we have said.
- We will help you to find ways to manage difficult emotions in an appropriate way.
- We will help you to keep the school tidy.
- We will help you to be kind and respectful to others.
- We will give you a 5-minute warning before transitioning between lessons. This will help you to know that it is time to tidy up – this will help you learn how to become organised and look after your property.
- We will give you a 10-minute movement break between lessons so that you are able to regulate before the next activity.
- We will remind you and help you to keep calm.
Class rules are agreed between pupils and staff at the beginning of each academic year.
Expectations on School Visits and Out of School Activities
Expectations for behaviour on school visits and out of school activities remain the same as those for school. At all stages of planning and preparation for an off-site visit, should a student’s behaviour whilst at school, or on a previous visit give cause for concern, then a risk assessment review will be carried out. Where challenging behaviour is due to a special educational need, we will endeavour to ensure that appropriate support will be put in place. The school will strive to work in partnership with a pupil’s parents and on occasions may request them to accompany their child on a visit. Our aim is to never exclude a student from a trip, except if their attendance would put the health and safety of themselves or others at risk.
Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour
One way that children learn about both appropriate and inappropriate behaviour is by observing others.
Children replicate their own behaviour on that of other people. Therefore, it is essential that they are given the opportunity to observe positive role models.
Egham Park is committed to providing positive models of behaviour for our students:
- Staff model appropriate, positive behaviour at all times.
- Staff highlight students’ appropriate behaviour to their peers, explaining why this was an appropriate action.
- Older students are given opportunities to act as positive role models to younger children (e.g., having a position or responsibility or mentoring role).
Encouragement, praise, and positive reinforcement
As a school we place a high a high value on positive reinforcement. We recognise that positive enforcement, along with encouragement and praise, teaches students that appropriate behaviour has positive consequences. This can be used to recognise and reinforce appropriate behaviour and help and encourage students who are having difficulty changing their current behaviours.
Positive reinforcement may take the form of:
- Acknowledgement of appropriate behaviour.
- Positive messages communicated to parents.
- Individual rewards such as post it notes.
- Class rewards such as a trip to the cinema.
- Spontaneous rewards such as a trip to the local park following a successful morning.
- More subtle forms of praise for pupils who find overt praise difficult to accept.
Consistent use of modelling, encouragement, praise, and positive reinforcement is used to:
- Create a happy and positive school environment.
- Raise students’ self-esteem and self-belief.
- Promote a model for appropriate behaviour and positive relationships.
- Ensure consistency of approach.
Inappropriate Behaviour
Safeguarding Duties All staff are responsible for considering whether any misbehaviour gives cause to suspect whether a student is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm. If such suspicions exist, including those relating to online safety, staff must follow the School’s Safeguarding procedures as laid out in the School’s Safeguarding Policy. The school will also consider whether continuing disruptive behaviour might be the result of unmet educational or other needs. At this point, the school will consider whether support systems are needed to be put in place and whether liaising with external agencies is necessary or appropriate.
To be considered a safeguarding concern or allegation, it is likely that some of the following features may be found:
- Physical abuse – including but not exclusively violence, particularly pre-planned; forcing others to use drugs or alcohol.
- Emotional abuse – blackmail or extortion; threats and intimidation, mocking behaviour and put downs, making fun of others’ disabilities whether physical or cognitive e.g., calling people idiots, stupid, mocking the way people talk or move, mocking a person’s sexuality.
- Sexual abuse – indecent exposure/touching or serious sexual assaults; forcing others to watch pornography or take part in sexting, unacceptable banter.
- Sexual exploitation – encouraging other students to attend inappropriate parties, photographing or videoing other pupils performing indecent acts.
- Sexual harassment or violence
- Bullying (See emotional abuse)
For further information please refer to the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy available on the school website.
Malicious allegations against staff and students
The Principal will decide whether to take disciplinary action in accordance with this policy where a pupil is found to have made false and malicious allegations against a member of staff or student.
Searching Pupils and/or their Possessions
When information has been received or there is a well-founded belief that inappropriate material has been bought into school, the school may carry out searches of students and/or their possessions. Only the Principal and authorised members of staff may conduct a without consent search of a pupil and/or their possessions. The school does not conduct intimate searches and only outer clothing will be required to be removed. The consent of the students will usually be obtained before conducting a search unless the Principal and authorised members of staff reasonably suspects that an item has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence or cause personal injury or damage to property. All personal searches will be conducted by a member of staff and in the presence of another member of staff.
A search may also be conducted off school premises where the student is in the lawful control of the school. Items which may be searched for include any item banned under the rules of the school and any other item identified as such by law. If the item is an electronic device, the school may examine and erase any data from the device if the school considers there to be good reason to do so unless advised by social services or police, in which case the device would be retained.
Parents will be informed of any search conducted of their child and/or their child’s possessions. The school will keep records of all searches carried out including the results of the search and any follow up action taken.
When children do not to follow the rules, all staff are expected to interact with them in a calm and consistent manner and follow the stages of sanctions detailed in Appendix 1. Staff will look at the context of the incident and whether the individual student is able to make a conscious choice. It is important that students are supported to understand that inappropriate behaviour choices lead to consequences. Furthermore, we believe that children should always be positively acknowledged. It is imperative that all staff respond knowing that it is the pupil’s behaviour that is inappropriate, not the child.
- Sanctions can follow sometime after an event, when the student is regulated and able to reflect upon their behaviour. In such circumstances, staff should inform the students that their behaviour is inappropriate and that it will be spoken about later.
- Sanctions will never involve taking away a previously earned reward.
- School staff will try to avoid any sanctions which lead to unnecessary shaming or humiliation of the child. We understand that such approaches are detrimental to the child’s self-esteem and wellbeing and can result in increased inappropriate behaviour.
- The developmental age and specific individual needs of the students will be considered when deciding appropriate sanctions and sanctions will be individual to the child; we recognise that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is not appropriate for our students.
- Students will not be given sanctions that impede their future learning (e.g., asking a dyspraxic student who finds writing difficult to write lines).
After a student receives a sanction, it is important to repair and restore the staff-student relationship. Staff should praise his or her behaviour at the first opportunity to reduce the attention away from the inappropriate behaviour. Staff must reassure the student that the inappropriate behaviour has been dealt with and that all parties will move on and start afresh.
In addition to the stages of sanctions, where appropriate, students will be supported to reflect on their behaviour choice and be given an opportunity to make amends, for example they may be supported to make a sincere apology or replace something that has been broken.
Persistent Inappropriate Behaviour
It is expected that both teachers and students begin each day afresh with optimism and encouragement for success.
If there is persistent inappropriate behaviour, then there are a variety of options that may be taken:
- The student will attend a behaviour meeting with the Head of Centre where a target for his or her behaviour will be set. The target will be recorded. The Head of Centre will work collaboratively with the student to identify any reasons, concerns or difficulties which may be leading the student to behave inappropriately. The Class Teacher will then work with the student to address these issues.
- If after an agreed time there is no change in the student’s behaviour, the student will attend a behaviour meeting with the Principal. At this time the head of Centre will inform the students parent/carer of the situation and share the students’ behaviour target with them.
- If, despite support, the student is unable to modify their behaviour, the Principal will arrange a meeting with their parent/carer to discuss their behaviour.
- Where there is no improvement in behaviour, the Principal may impose a period of exclusion from school.
The school takes the sanction of exclusion extremely seriously and will make every effort to promote an improvement in a student’s behaviour before this stage is reached. The school has a strong commitment to inclusion. However, it is important for all parties to understand the consequences of consistently poor behaviour, including how it can affect a child’s learning, the learning of their peers, and the health and safety of themselves and others, as well as the self-esteem and wellbeing of their peers.
Severe Clause
In cases of severe misbehaviour (fighting, vandalism, bullying including cyberbullying, threat of violence towards another pupil or adult, intimidation, physical violence) the student would not receive a warning. Instead, the Principal would be notified, and the situation managed by them. In such cases the parents would be notified of the incident by the Principal and be informed as to what action was taken.
If a student is unable to manage their behaviour during movement breaks and lunchtimes and is perceived to be at risk of harming themselves or others (whether physically or emotionally) by not following adult guidance, then the school will endeavour to supervise them on 1:1 basis by a staff member. If they continue to not be able to manage these times, they may be supported away from the main group by a staff member, either individually or with another or small group of peers.
Recording incidents
Serious incidents of inappropriate behaviour together with the sanctions given are recorded. The Principal will be made aware of recorded incidents.
School staff will evaluate the effectiveness of the policy as a team and agree adjustments that may be necessary to address any current concerns. These will be shared with staff, parents/carers, and students.
The Role of Parents
Parents have a vital role to play in their children’s education. It is very important that parents support their child’s learning and co-operate with the school to promote good behaviour. The school is very conscious of the importance of having strong links with parents and good communication between home and school. Thus, the school works in collaboratively with parents. The school will ensure that parents are kept informed as to their child’s behaviour at school, so that children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and at school.
The School’s Behaviour Policy is accessible to all parents/carers via the school website and parents and children are asked to sign a home/school agreement when enrolling at the school.
If the school must implement sanctions against a student, parents should support the actions of the school. If parents have any concern about the way their child has been treated, they should contact the class teacher in the first instance.
The school expects all members of the community to adhere to the principles as set out in the Behaviour Policy and therefore, to behave in an appropriate manner within school.
Incidents of verbal or physical aggression to staff by parents, guardians or carers of children in the school will be reported immediately to the Principal who will take appropriate action.
Appendix 1: Stages of Sanctions
(Precise nature of sanctions will vary from child to child)
Stage 1 | Agreed loss of ‘phone privileges | At the start of the year or when a new student joins the school, a warning system is discussed and agreed within each class. Following 3 warnings from staff, an agreed period of loss of ‘phone privileges is activated: A verbal warning (stating clearly and calmly what behaviour you expect to change) A second verbal warning A final warning |
Stage 2 | Longer period of loss of ‘phone privileges | A further warning following a short loss of ‘phone privileges trigger a longer loss of ‘phone privileges |
Stage 3 (Years 7 & 8) | Loss of Free Choice/Independent learning activities | Ongoing poor behaviour throughout the school day. The following behaviours result in an immediate Stage 3 sanction: Damage to property Ongoing emotional or physical harm to others Intentionally swearing at staff of pupils |
Stage 3 (Years 9, 10 & 11) | Loss of off-site outings privileges | Ongoing poor behaviour throughout the school day. The following behaviours result in an immediate Stage 3 sanction: Damage to property Ongoing emotional or physical harm to others Intentionally swearing at staff of pupils |
Stage 4 | Fixed-Term Exclusion | Persistent and/or serious breaches of school rules. For example: Bullying Serious malicious behaviour towards staff or pupils Serious intentional safeguarding breaches Manufacturing or distributing of inappropriate images Violence Possession of illegal substances paraphernalia at school Illegal substances at school including smoking and alcohol |
Stage 5 | Permanent Exclusion | Permanent exclusion is an extreme sanction and is only administered by the Principal, and after consultation with school staff. The main categories of misconduct which may result in permanent exclusion include but are not limited to: Repeated verbal abuse to pupils, staff and others Repeated emotional abuse of pupils Repeated physical abuse/attack on pupils, staff and others* Repeated inappropriate/sexual behaviour* Repeated deliberate damage to property including vandalism and computer hacking* Supply/possession/use of controlled or illegal drugs and solvents or their paraphernalia, or substances intended to resemble them* Repeated possession of alcohol or tobacco Repeated supply of alcohol or tobacco Blackmail, intimidation, racism, or persistent bullying* Serious actual or threatened violence against another pupil or member of staff* Sexual abuse or assault* Arson* Unacceptable behaviour which has previously been reported and for which school sanctions and other interventions have not been successful in modifying the pupil’s behaviour. Other serious misconduct by a pupil or parents (by association) which affects the welfare of a member or members of the school community, or which brings the school into disrepute (single or repeated episodes) on or off school premises. *At Egham Park School we take our Safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. These areas of misconduct are dealt with in line with our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. |
Appendix 2: Physical Restraint
Force is never used as a form of punishment.
Physical restraint of a pupil may be necessary to:
- maintain the safety of pupils and staff.
- prevent serious damage to property.
Minimising the need to use force
The use of physical restraint is not part of the disciplinary/class management process – it is an emergency response, albeit a considered one, to an exceptional situation. An assessment of the risk to the student, to other students, to the responsible adult, or to property, must be made in such circumstances. Staff should consider the following when planning to work with students:
- Create a calm, nurturing, orderly and supportive class climate that minimises the risk and threat of violence of any kind.
- Develop effective relationships between pupils and themselves that are central to good order.
The school is also proactive in providing training and support for staff to encourage and develop positive behaviour management. When practicable, staff will warn a student that force may have to be used thereby giving them an opportunity to review their behaviour.
Staff authorised to use force
Individual staff have statutory power to use force by virtue of their job. However, wherever possible, senior staff should be summoned to at least support a member of staff who deems it necessary to use physical means of control. It is preferable that where possible, staff should have received Team Teach training before using any physical force.
Deciding whether to use force
- Staff should have grounds for believing that immediate action is necessary in self-defence, because there is imminent risk of injury, a developing risk of injury, significant damage to property or to prevent other criminal offences. The risk of injury may be to the student, to other students, or to a member of staff/the public. The law recognises that a reasonable use of physical force in self-defence to prevent injury is appropriate.
- Staff are not expected to restrain a child if by doing so they put themselves at unacceptable risk of injury.
- “Allegations against Education Staff on Child Abuse” confirms that there is no legal definition of “reasonable force”. Therefore, any physical restraint is unlawful if the circumstances do not warrant it.
- It is recognised that staff will have to decide whether attempting physically to restrain a pupil will improve or exacerbate the situation. A difficult situation may be worsened by attempts at physical restraint.
- Physical restraint should only be used as an exceptional measure when a student is placing her/himself or others at serious risk of harm. It should only be used when verbal comments do not control the unacceptable behaviour.
Using force
- Clearly it is not always possible to secure the presence of other staff before applying restraint, but every possible effort should be made to do this.
- Only the minimum force necessary to prevent injury or to remove the risk of harm should be applied and, if used, this should be accompanied by calmly letting the pupil know what s/he needs to do to remove the need for restraint. Consideration needs to be given to the age, sex and understanding of the student in question.
- Staff must be careful about how they restrain students.
- Physical restraint should be an act of care, not of punishment or aggression.
- As soon as it is safe to do so, restraint should be gradually relaxed to allow the student to gain self-control.
- Physical restraint should never be used purely to force compliance with staff instructions when there is no immediate risk to the student or other individuals.
- Any use of physical restraint must be recorded, and the parent/carer must be informed.
Staff Training
This should be planned for on a year-by-year basis.
Recording incidents Clear, careful recording is very important. It is also important that any staff who assisted with the restraint, or who witnessed it, should also provide a report. All reports must be given to the Principal and kept confidentially and not on the member of staff’s personal file.
Reporting incidents All incidents of physical restraint must be reported to a senior member of staff. They must also be reported to parents/carers by an appropriate member of staff. All incidents of physical restraint must be reported to the member of staff with responsibility for Child Protection.
It may also be appropriate to report the incident to external agencies involved with the student and or their family.
Post-incident support
Staff who have been involved in physical restraint may feel distressed or upset and should be given time to regain their composure before resuming duties. They should be offered the opportunity to reflect and discuss the incident with colleagues and managers as soon as is appropriate. Staff may also require access to further counselling and support. Students involved in the incident, possibly as witnesses, may also need appropriate support. Their parents/carers will need to be contacted. Advice may need to be given with respect to rebuilding relationships.
Complaints and allegations
Any complaints arising from incidents should be dealt with in line with school complaints procedures.
Monitoring and review
This policy should be reviewed on an annual basis. It should be reviewed in the light of incidents that may have occurred during the previous twelve months and any training needs that arise should be actioned.
Further Information
Revised Guidance on the Use of Force to Control or restrain pupils
Use of reasonable force in schools – GOV.UK
This policy will be reviewed and agreed by the Senior Leadership Team