Communicable Disease Strategy

(Updated September 2023)

Overall Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

RiskControl MeasuresOutcomes
AIs Government advice being regularly accessed, assessed, recorded and applied?DfE updates received and any new information to be communicated to parents and staff by Mrs Foster.Up-to-date guildance adhered to.
BAre changes regularly communicated to staff, pupils and parents?Any new guidelines to be communicated to parents via email.Up-to-date guidance provided to all.
CAre changes reviewed by SLTAs required 
DIs access to school controlled effectively and are visitor (if allowed) details recorded?Yes. There is just one point of access.To ensure all parties on site and registered and can be accounted for.
EAre any Social Distancing (SD) and other hygiene rules communicated, understood and applied?All students and staff will be made fully aware of their responsibilities and the protocols of the school. Fully understood rules and procedures.
FIs there sufficient supplies of hygiene materials and are they well placed?Supplies will be constantly monitored by staff.All items running low will be replenished prior to them running out.
GHas the cleaning regime been regularly re-assessed and, if necessary, revised to high risk areas such as toilets, door handles, switches, hand rails and regularly used hard surfaces?Additional cleaning to areas of use at regular and designated intervals. All hard surfaces regularly and systematically disinfected.
HWhat precautions are being used to keep shared teaching equipment hygienic?Staff are responsible for ensuring that all equipment to be used is cleaned using anti bacterial surface wipes prior and at the end, of each use.Staff are responsible for ensuring that all equipment to be used is cleaned using anti-bacterial surface wipes prior and at the end, of each use.
IAre all the risks identified properly mitigated and regularly re-assessed?A daily checklist is carried out.Appropriate level of observations in order to correct any issues identified on a day to day basis.

Pupils, Parent and Staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

RiskControl MeasuresOutcome
Are communication channels working and being reviewed? Email, text, etcCommunicaton channels are in working ordre.  In addition there is a mobile telephone number that is available to parents and staffThese functions provide a two way system for parents, pupils and staff to communicate.
What are and have the hygiene rules set by the school been adhered to by pupils, parents and staff?Good hygiene procedures for all students, pupils and visitors.Ensures consistent and clear message.
Is there a system in place to deal with bereavements, trauma, anxiety, behavioural issues?Safeguarding and Behavioural policies remain in place and the DSL will be on site throughout the school dayA safe and appropriate space will be available for students who require one.

Pupil and Staff – Safety Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

 RiskControl MeasuresOutcome
1Are Safeguarding, code of practice, staff handbook policies been updated, regularly reviewed and shared?All policies are available on the shared drive for staff.Staff fully aware of policy and responsibilities
2Is the DSL and DDSL easily contacted and their contact information known to all.On site throughout the school day.Consistent availability to those onsite and those offering online learning from home.

Medical Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

 RiskControl MeasuresOutcome
1Are there sufficient medical staff to deal with temperature testing, isolating suspect COVID-19 cases, outside appointments and normal medical issues.A minimum of two first aiders will be on site at all times.Sufficient numbers of medically trained staffon site.
2Have medical policy, procedures and appropriate response to spectrum of medical issues been revised and shared?First Aid policy and First Aid Room to be used as the centre for medical issues.Sufficient area allocated for first aid and policy in place.
3Is the school aware of all pre-existing medical conditions?Staff and pupil questionnaire enables data regarding medical conditions to be updated.Up to date record can be kept and communicated to staff as necessary
4Who has tested positive for COVID-19 and is it recorded? (for elimination purposes)?No confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the school.Government guidance followed.
5Who has been sent home with COVID-19 symptoms (a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath?Any student or staffmember exhibiting signs of Covid will be sent homeNo students/staff who have been sent home with symptoms will be on site until clear LFT in place
6Is there regular dialogue with those that have suffered from COVID-19 and / or are isolated at home?No confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the school. 
7If there is a separate area for temperature testing, holding and isolation areas are they easily identified and regularly cleaned?Yes, the First Aid Room has been designated as a medical testing and holding areaThis area is away from the general school community and can be appropriately staffed.
8If emergency services are called is there a  well understood procedure, and clear routes in and out?The provision remains in line with current practiceStaff fully conversant with current practice.

Progression of Restrictions / Staged Response

At Egham Park School we have 4 stages for when dealing with medical incidents / outbreaks. Depending on the nature of the situation action can commence from any point.

Response StageTriggerKey ActionsWhoNotes
STAGE 1 – General (everyday hygiene and procedures)  None– General reminders for hygiene
– Effective handwashing facilities and soap available
– Follow usual absence periods for sickness
Teaching Staff
STAGE 2 – PreventionWhere an increased risk is present
– Increased absence rates of pupils or staff – Local increases in sickness e.g. flu, gastric, coronavirus – Public health alerts – Suspected cases of specific illness in school or within the community (eg.coronavirus / gastric)
– Increase hygiene procedure
– Communication with key people including key information (staff, pupils and families, users of the site).
– Specific hygiene lessons in class.
– Increased enforced use of handwashing before eating of food.
– Enforce 48hr after symptoms have stopped for all fever, sickness, diarrhoea etc.
– Consider the types of trips and events and make changes as necessary (e.g. those where lots of close contact / touch points)
– Daily review of the situation
Admin Staff
STAGE 3 – Mitigate/DelayWhere a significant risk is present
– Direct case or increased likelihood of cases
– Public health advice for restrictions
Consider reducing contact situations:  
– School events
-Any screening measures e.g. use of a thermometer in school.
– Increase time of exclusion from school for those with symptoms (beyond 48hrs)
– Sending home any children with any symptoms
– Additional Cleaning including deeper cleans
STAGE 4 – ContainmentWhere specific and/or significant changes or restrictions need to be in place.
High levels of sickness
High rates of absence
Significance of danger of disease or illness
– Part / full closures of site / classes
– Deep cleans
– Reduction or exclusion of visitors

Key Actions

Specific IssueActions including messagesWhoNotes
Suspected case in school (staff or pupil)– Contact relevant agencies e.g. LA / Public Health England.
– Deep clean core areas.
– Inform staff.
– Core reminders of hygiene.
– Contact parents – general information about sickness etc.
Confirmed case in school– Deep clean core areas.
– Inform staff.
– Core reminders of hygiene.
– Contact parents – general information about sickness etc. and the key next steps e.g. closure of a class/school/ or carry on etc.
SLT; Cleaning team
Suspected case in a family– Parents to ensure child washes hands before leaving the house.
– Child to wash hands immediately after coming into schoolIncrease monitoring of pupils.
– Parents to contact 111 and follow guidance.
Families; Staff; Admin
Confirmed case in a family
– Deep clean of the classroom and school. Follow guidance provided.
SLT Site /Cleaning
Teacher shortageSupply / Splitting classes / SLT CoverWhere too many – partial closure for certain classes or part time / AM / PM classes.SLT
Support staff shortage– Supply / Prioritise most needy children / classes with remaining staff.SLT
Protection for most vulnerable children– Identify who these children are vulnerable e.g. underlying health conditions that may be affected by the current threat.
– Discuss with parents the initial steps and agree key actions.
– Isolation / seclusion
Staff with health issues (e.g. Heart)– Ask them to contact their consultants to seek advice on their condition.
– Consider working from home.
Staff with symptoms– Stay at home; follow NHS 111 advice; discuss with SLT.SLT
Pregnant staff– Ask them to contact their midwife to seek advice;
– Consider working from home
Site/Cleaning team shortage– Contact cleaning contractor/cover arrangements in good time.SLT
Leadership shortage– Access via phone/virtual meetings.SLT;
Admin shortage– Cover with LSA’s / SLT
– Inform parents not to phone unless emergency/use email.
Other school users– Inform of control measures, including the possibility that a suspension of usage may occur.Admin
Long period shut down– Continue learning activities via online learning.SLT;

Core Measures

Control MeasureControl StageNotes / ActionWhoReview
Tissues for each class1– Ensure adequate stock levels of tissues for each class / office
– Replenish as needed
– Staff to also self-replenish from stock
Alcohol based gel1– All children to use this (or have washed hands) before lunch daily
– Ensure adequate stock levels
Monitoring daily of any child or staff absence2– Daily report to the SLT or number of absences and symptoms.Admin 
Reducing contact point activities2Avoid any activity where you are passing items around a class:
– Circle time objects.
– Artefact sharing.
– Touching activities – PE / Gymnastics.
– Cease handshaking of children and visitors.
Cease and use of shared cups in class (e.g. using cups for water); replace with disposable cups;
Good Personal Hygiene2Newsletter:
– Inform parents of hygiene expectations and to discuss with children;
– All children to wash their hands before coming to school, before going home and when they get home.
– Classes to teach children hand-washing techniques
– Children to wash hands before snack (classroom) and before eating dinner (classrooms/ hall corridor toilets/hand sanitiser)
– Distribute key information posters
Review of Cleaning2, 3– Meet with cleaning staff to review cleaning arrangement and make any necessary changes
– Increase focus cleaning on touch points and tables (redirect from vacuuming etc. if needed)
– Daily cleaning of classrooms (already in place)
– Preparations for deep cleans if necessary
Additional touch point cleaning daily2, 3– Handles and rails to be cleaned at midpoints during the daySite
Absence policy2, 3– Review time period of absence for ill children or staff and increase if necessary but at least to the minimum standard (e.g. 48 hrs clear of sickness – following Dept of Health Guidance)SLT
Support for families affected2, 3– Communicate to parents and staff to contact school if they require support;
– Regular contact with affected families and staff – wellbeing checks.
Taking temperature of anyone in school who may begin to feel unwell2, 3– Hand-held non-contact thermometer on siteSLT

Information for staff, visitors and building users

We currently have increased precautions in place to ensure effective prevention of the spread of illness.


  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds.
  • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work.
  • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
  • Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.


  • Touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
  • Enter the school if you are feeling unwell.