(Updated September 2023)
Overall Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcomes | |
A | Is Government advice being regularly accessed, assessed, recorded and applied? | DfE updates received and any new information to be communicated to parents and staff by Mrs Foster. | Up-to-date guildance adhered to. |
B | Are changes regularly communicated to staff, pupils and parents? | Any new guidelines to be communicated to parents via email. | Up-to-date guidance provided to all. |
C | Are changes reviewed by SLT | As required | |
D | Is access to school controlled effectively and are visitor (if allowed) details recorded? | Yes. There is just one point of access. | To ensure all parties on site and registered and can be accounted for. |
E | Are any Social Distancing (SD) and other hygiene rules communicated, understood and applied? | All students and staff will be made fully aware of their responsibilities and the protocols of the school. | Fully understood rules and procedures. |
F | Is there sufficient supplies of hygiene materials and are they well placed? | Supplies will be constantly monitored by staff. | All items running low will be replenished prior to them running out. |
G | Has the cleaning regime been regularly re-assessed and, if necessary, revised to high risk areas such as toilets, door handles, switches, hand rails and regularly used hard surfaces? | Additional cleaning to areas of use at regular and designated intervals. | All hard surfaces regularly and systematically disinfected. |
H | What precautions are being used to keep shared teaching equipment hygienic? | Staff are responsible for ensuring that all equipment to be used is cleaned using anti bacterial surface wipes prior and at the end, of each use. | Staff are responsible for ensuring that all equipment to be used is cleaned using anti-bacterial surface wipes prior and at the end, of each use. |
I | Are all the risks identified properly mitigated and regularly re-assessed? | A daily checklist is carried out. | Appropriate level of observations in order to correct any issues identified on a day to day basis. |
Pupils, Parent and Staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome |
Are communication channels working and being reviewed? Email, text, etc | Communicaton channels are in working ordre. In addition there is a mobile telephone number that is available to parents and staff | These functions provide a two way system for parents, pupils and staff to communicate. |
What are and have the hygiene rules set by the school been adhered to by pupils, parents and staff? | Good hygiene procedures for all students, pupils and visitors. | Ensures consistent and clear message. |
Is there a system in place to deal with bereavements, trauma, anxiety, behavioural issues? | Safeguarding and Behavioural policies remain in place and the DSL will be on site throughout the school day | A safe and appropriate space will be available for students who require one. |
Pupil and Staff – Safety Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | |
1 | Are Safeguarding, code of practice, staff handbook policies been updated, regularly reviewed and shared? | All policies are available on the shared drive for staff. | Staff fully aware of policy and responsibilities |
2 | Is the DSL and DDSL easily contacted and their contact information known to all. | On site throughout the school day. | Consistent availability to those onsite and those offering online learning from home. |
Medical Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | |
1 | Are there sufficient medical staff to deal with temperature testing, isolating suspect COVID-19 cases, outside appointments and normal medical issues. | A minimum of two first aiders will be on site at all times. | Sufficient numbers of medically trained staffon site. |
2 | Have medical policy, procedures and appropriate response to spectrum of medical issues been revised and shared? | First Aid policy and First Aid Room to be used as the centre for medical issues. | Sufficient area allocated for first aid and policy in place. |
3 | Is the school aware of all pre-existing medical conditions? | Staff and pupil questionnaire enables data regarding medical conditions to be updated. | Up to date record can be kept and communicated to staff as necessary |
4 | Who has tested positive for COVID-19 and is it recorded? (for elimination purposes)? | No confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the school. | Government guidance followed. |
5 | Who has been sent home with COVID-19 symptoms (a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath? | Any student or staffmember exhibiting signs of Covid will be sent home | No students/staff who have been sent home with symptoms will be on site until clear LFT in place |
6 | Is there regular dialogue with those that have suffered from COVID-19 and / or are isolated at home? | No confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the school. | |
7 | If there is a separate area for temperature testing, holding and isolation areas are they easily identified and regularly cleaned? | Yes, the First Aid Room has been designated as a medical testing and holding area | This area is away from the general school community and can be appropriately staffed. |
8 | If emergency services are called is there a well understood procedure, and clear routes in and out? | The provision remains in line with current practice | Staff fully conversant with current practice. |
Progression of Restrictions / Staged Response
At Egham Park School we have 4 stages for when dealing with medical incidents / outbreaks. Depending on the nature of the situation action can commence from any point.
Response Stage | Trigger | Key Actions | Who | Notes |
STAGE 1 – General (everyday hygiene and procedures) | None | – General reminders for hygiene – Effective handwashing facilities and soap available – Follow usual absence periods for sickness | Admin Teaching Staff | |
STAGE 2 – Prevention | Where an increased risk is present – Increased absence rates of pupils or staff – Local increases in sickness e.g. flu, gastric, coronavirus – Public health alerts – Suspected cases of specific illness in school or within the community (eg.coronavirus / gastric) | – Increase hygiene procedure – Communication with key people including key information (staff, pupils and families, users of the site). – Specific hygiene lessons in class. – Increased enforced use of handwashing before eating of food. – Enforce 48hr after symptoms have stopped for all fever, sickness, diarrhoea etc. – Consider the types of trips and events and make changes as necessary (e.g. those where lots of close contact / touch points) – Daily review of the situation | SLT Admin Staff | |
STAGE 3 – Mitigate/Delay | Where a significant risk is present – Direct case or increased likelihood of cases – Public health advice for restrictions | Consider reducing contact situations: – School events Consider: -Any screening measures e.g. use of a thermometer in school. – Increase time of exclusion from school for those with symptoms (beyond 48hrs) – Sending home any children with any symptoms – Additional Cleaning including deeper cleans | SLT | |
STAGE 4 – Containment | Where specific and/or significant changes or restrictions need to be in place. High levels of sickness High rates of absence Significance of danger of disease or illness | – Part / full closures of site / classes – Deep cleans – Reduction or exclusion of visitors | Principal |
Key Actions
Specific Issue | Actions including messages | Who | Notes |
Suspected case in school (staff or pupil) | – Contact relevant agencies e.g. LA / Public Health England. – Deep clean core areas. – Inform staff. – Core reminders of hygiene. – Contact parents – general information about sickness etc. | SLT | |
Confirmed case in school | – Deep clean core areas. – Inform staff. – Core reminders of hygiene. – Contact parents – general information about sickness etc. and the key next steps e.g. closure of a class/school/ or carry on etc. | SLT; Cleaning team | |
Suspected case in a family | – Parents to ensure child washes hands before leaving the house. – Child to wash hands immediately after coming into schoolIncrease monitoring of pupils. – Parents to contact 111 and follow guidance. | Families; Staff; Admin | |
Confirmed case in a family | – Deep clean of the classroom and school. Follow guidance provided. | SLT Site /Cleaning | |
Teacher shortage | Supply / Splitting classes / SLT CoverWhere too many – partial closure for certain classes or part time / AM / PM classes. | SLT | |
Support staff shortage | – Supply / Prioritise most needy children / classes with remaining staff. | SLT | |
Protection for most vulnerable children | – Identify who these children are vulnerable e.g. underlying health conditions that may be affected by the current threat. – Discuss with parents the initial steps and agree key actions. – Isolation / seclusion | SLT | |
Staff with health issues (e.g. Heart) | – Ask them to contact their consultants to seek advice on their condition. – Consider working from home. | Staff | |
Staff with symptoms | – Stay at home; follow NHS 111 advice; discuss with SLT. | SLT | |
Pregnant staff | – Ask them to contact their midwife to seek advice; – Consider working from home | SLT | |
Site/Cleaning team shortage | – Contact cleaning contractor/cover arrangements in good time. | SLT | |
Leadership shortage | – Access via phone/virtual meetings. | SLT; Staff | |
Admin shortage | – Cover with LSA’s / SLT – Inform parents not to phone unless emergency/use email. | SLT | |
Other school users | – Inform of control measures, including the possibility that a suspension of usage may occur. | Admin | |
Long period shut down | – Continue learning activities via online learning. | SLT; Staff |
Core Measures
Control Measure | Control Stage | Notes / Action | Who | Review |
Tissues for each class | 1 | – Ensure adequate stock levels of tissues for each class / office – Replenish as needed – Staff to also self-replenish from stock | Staff | |
Alcohol based gel | 1 | – All children to use this (or have washed hands) before lunch daily – Ensure adequate stock levels | Staff | |
Monitoring daily of any child or staff absence | 2 | – Daily report to the SLT or number of absences and symptoms. | Admin | |
Reducing contact point activities | 2 | Avoid any activity where you are passing items around a class: – Circle time objects. – Artefact sharing. – Touching activities – PE / Gymnastics. Other: – Cease handshaking of children and visitors. Cease and use of shared cups in class (e.g. using cups for water); replace with disposable cups; | Staff | |
Good Personal Hygiene | 2 | Newsletter: – Inform parents of hygiene expectations and to discuss with children; – All children to wash their hands before coming to school, before going home and when they get home. – Classes to teach children hand-washing techniques – Children to wash hands before snack (classroom) and before eating dinner (classrooms/ hall corridor toilets/hand sanitiser) Information: – Distribute key information posters | Staff | |
Review of Cleaning | 2, 3 | – Meet with cleaning staff to review cleaning arrangement and make any necessary changes – Increase focus cleaning on touch points and tables (redirect from vacuuming etc. if needed) – Daily cleaning of classrooms (already in place) – Preparations for deep cleans if necessary | Staff | |
Additional touch point cleaning daily | 2, 3 | – Handles and rails to be cleaned at midpoints during the day | Site | |
Absence policy | 2, 3 | – Review time period of absence for ill children or staff and increase if necessary but at least to the minimum standard (e.g. 48 hrs clear of sickness – following Dept of Health Guidance) | SLT | |
Support for families affected | 2, 3 | – Communicate to parents and staff to contact school if they require support; – Regular contact with affected families and staff – wellbeing checks. | SLT | |
Taking temperature of anyone in school who may begin to feel unwell | 2, 3 | – Hand-held non-contact thermometer on site | SLT |
Information for staff, visitors and building users
We currently have increased precautions in place to ensure effective prevention of the spread of illness.
- Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds.
- Always wash your hands when you get home or into work.
- Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
- Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
- Touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
- Enter the school if you are feeling unwell.