Date Created | Date 1st Review Due | Date Reviewed | Version | Next Review Due |
September 2022 | September 2023 | |||
September 2023 | 2 | September 2024 | ||
September 2024 | 3 | September 2025 |
This policy should be read in conjunction with school Accessibility plan.
At Egham Park we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible academic and personal development of all our pupils, whatever their needs or abilities. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of all our pupils and take into account the additional support required by those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We endeavour to ensure that all children have every opportunity to engage in a wide range of suitably challenging educational opportunities that are appropriate to their needs.
At Egham Park we aim to maximise the potential of each individual by helping them to achieve the best possible educational and social outcomes and preparing them effectively for adulthood. The school has high aspirations and expectations for all pupils with SEND and focuses on the outcomes and progress of pupils by celebrating achievement and identifying areas in which they need support.
Our objectives
- To ensure that children and young people with SEND can engage successfully in all school activities inclusively, including making reasonable adjustments for those pupils with a disability so that they have access to the curriculum and wider school learning environment
- To ensure that all learners make the best possible progress from their individual starting point
- To work in partnership with parents, key agencies and specialists in order to develop a collaborative and coordinated approach to meet the needs of pupils.
- To provide support and advice for all staff working with SEND pupils
- To ensure that responsibility for provision for pupils with SEND remains an integral part of whole school provision
- To operate a child centred approach that considers the whole child and takes into account their views.
This SEND policy details how Egham Park School will do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs. Our SENCo is Mrs Nicki Foster
Egham Park School considers all teachers to be teachers of pupils with SEND. We will use our best endeavours to ensure that teachers in the school are able to identify and provide for those pupils who have special educational needs or disabilities, which will allow them to be fully included in all the activities of the school. This provision should be reasonably practical and compatible with the needs of the child, along with the efficient education of all pupils.
Meeting the needs of pupils with SEND
The SEND Register
The register provides an updated record of all pupils who have an identified need so that:
- All staff are aware
- Progress and achievements of pupils with SEND can be more closely monitored
- There is an overview of the range and level of need within the school
- School provision reflects and is responsive to the current profile of need
Once identified as requiring additional SEND support a more detailed assessment of a pupil’s needs will be carried out. This will include discussions with teachers, parents and where appropriate the pupil. It may draw on assessments from external agencies and therapists involved with the pupil. Diagnostic assessments may be carried out by outside agencies.
The school recognises that it is likely that the needs of a pupil will overlap across more than one area and that the needs may change over time.
The school will use information from this assessment to plan the support that will be offered, considering the four areas of need. It will be:
- Target or outcome focused with the desired benefit or difference from any intervention identified to support the evaluation and impact of provision
- Outline the interventions and approaches that may be made available to support progress towards these outcomes
- Give details of the role and input of external agencies where they are involved
- May be recorded on individual education plans
- Be shared with all key teachers and support staff
- Be shared with parents, showing the period it covers and when it will be reviewed.
Egham Park plans to support individual needs may take the following formats:
- What you need to know documents are monitored by the Class Teacher for most pupils. What you need to know documents are written by pupils with support from their parents if appropriate. The plan outlines key information about the pupil, what they would like you staff to know about them and key strategies for supporting them
Teachers will take responsibility for overseeing the implementation of any relevant intervention. This will ensure that the additional support offered is closely linked to the general curriculum offer and maximise opportunities to reinforce and consolidate key skills within the context of the class.
For EHCP’s, both teachers and HLTA’s will be responsible for completing the individual AET framework for each pupil.
The impact of support is subject to ongoing review. Parents will be invited to attend meetings along with pupils when this is appropriate. Depending on the level and complexity of need this review may be included in the cycle of parent meetings.
Where pupils’ needs are more complex and they receive support from a range of specialist agencies a separate review meeting will be arranged so that all key parties can contribute.
At the review meeting the following will be considered:
- Impact of each element of the intervention towards the identified outcomes
- Pupil’s response to their support and their view of their progress where this is applicable.
- Views of parents and specialist agencies
- Next steps with refinement and adjustments to the support offered as required.
The EHC plan will be reviewed annually, considering the points above and in line with Local Authority procedure.
Referral to Outside Agencies
With the agreement of parents, the SENCo will make a referral to a specialist agency if appropriate to ascertain the extent of an issue and the support required. e.g. Occupational Therapy, CAMHS.
Education Health and Care plans
Current EHC plans will be reviewed annually. Any additional support offered will be reviewed and modified, taking into account the views and contributions of parents, pupils and external agencies.
Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions and specific disabilities
Egham Park recognises that pupils at school should be supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
In compliance with revised statutory guidance, arrangements are in place to ensure that any pupil with a medical condition is able, as far as individually possible to participate in all aspects of school life. These arrangements are set out in an Individual Health Care Plan.
The IHC plans will detail the type and nature of support that will be available.
The plans will be:
- Produced through collaboration with parents, pupils as appropriate and health professionals.
- Shared with all relevant staff
- Reviewed at least annually to reflect changing needs.
Where a pupil with a medical condition also has SEND the IHC plan will be closely linked to provision to support accessibility and additional needs providing a coordinated approach.
Staff who have responsibility to support a pupil with medical needs will receive appropriate training and support so that they are competent and confident about their duties.
Pupils with SEND who may have difficulty evacuating the building at the same speed or in the same manner as others in an emergency, will have a Personal evacuation plan.
Admission arrangements
The admission arrangements for all pupils are in accordance with Admissions Policy and national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010
Applications for entry from pupils with known SEND are reviewed on an individual basis, to determine whether the pupil will be able to access the Egham Park School curriculum. Due regard is given to reasonable adjustment being made, and whether the level of provision that the school is able to offer is appropriate to meet their needs. The placement of the child has to be commensurate and not be detrimental to the education or wellbeing of other pupils.
Transition arrangements
Egham Park seeks to ensure that there is a successful transition between phases of education and this is the responsibility of the SENCo.
When pupils are joining the school the SENCo will take every opportunity to seek information about the nature and level of need for pupils identified with SEND and the provision that has already been offered.
This may involve visits to other school and pre-school settings and information sharing meetings with the child’s family and key agencies. SEND pupils who are moving to the next phase within Egham Park will also have access to transition meetings and planning as appropriate, in order to ensure a successful transition between the Key Stages.
For pupils moving to a new school the SENCo will make contact to share relevant information. For pupils with significant needs and or an EHCP a formal transition meeting involving parents, pupils, representatives from the new school and other key professionals may take place to ensure continuity in the range and level of support. Where appropriate the SENCo will work with the local authority Post 16 transition teams and career guidance staff to help young people with the transition to Further Education and the workplace.
Access arrangements
Provision for exam access arrangements is made for those pupils identified with SEND.
Dealing with Complaints
Initially any complaint regarding the level of provision for a child with SEND should be addressed through the SENCo. Any formal complaint is dealt with under the school’s Complaint Policy.
Egham Park aims to combat negative attitudes to SEND by celebrating and valuing the success of all pupils, fostering mutual respect and raising pupil’s self-esteem. It recognises that pupils with SEND:
- May be considerably more at risk of being bullied on the basis of their special educational needs or disability
- May also be at risk of taking part in bullying others
- May be a target for bullying due to particular characteristics
- May be less well integrated socially, and lack the protection against bullying which friendship gives
- May have difficulty understanding what constitutes bullying
- May have difficulties sharing their concerns about bullying
Consideration to SEND and individual developmental needs, and health needs, will be given when implementing the Anti bullying Policy, and Behaviour Policy.
When pupils move to a new school, if necessary, a transition meeting involving parents, pupils, representatives from the new school, and other key professionals, may take place to ensure continuity in the range of level and support, Egham Park School will work with Surrey County Council Caseworkers to help young people with the transition to Further Education and the workplace.