Curriculum Policy

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Egham Park School is a unique learning environment created for those pupils who have found the traditional educational environment too difficult to cope within.  Our aim is to provide a Real-World Curriculum to meet the needs of young people and to prepare them for adult life and to be valuable members of their community.

We are committed to the following principles:

  • To respect and value all individual pupils and staff
  • To provide the highest standard of care and education
  • To ensure safety, security, and opportunities for success
  • To foster pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development

Egham Park’s curriculum design and educational vision acknowledges the following:

  • The world and the way in which we learn is changing, hence the importance and value of flexibility.
  • Learning and education do not just take place in a classroom, it takes place anywhere. Young people have ever-increasing access to information and learning material away from the classroom.
  • Pupil voice is paramount.  Pupils should have opportunities to make choices about what they study. Egham Park School provides an outline of subjects on offer, but pupils have a choice in what they can study.  If they have a particular interest which isn’t on offer, we will do our best, where possible, to facilitate this.

Egham Park’s curriculum policy is based upon the following aims:

  • That pupils’ views and opinion on what they learn are paramount. Their interests should be heard and considered.
  • That pupils are equipped and prepared for adult life, and to be valuable members of their community.
  • That pupils are offered a personalised and differentiated curriculum.
  • To ensure that vocational routes are valued as highly as academic routes.
  • To have high aspirations for all pupils and be committed to improvement.
  • To celebrate all successes and to foster all individual talents.
  • To involve parents and carers in the pupils learning
  • To be reduce anxiety and promote growth by being a safe and happy learning environment.


The curriculum aims to provide a love of learning and to prepare pupils for a successful future.

Egham Parks aim is to develop a curriculum that provides pupils with a sense of achievement, to recognise and grow from all experiences and to become confident contributors to society.

We provide a learning environment for young people with a variety of special educational needs. Historically, our pupils have found it difficult to access a traditional school and formal curriculum, Egham Park delivers an alternative, differentiated curriculum which is aligned to pupils’ ages, level of ability, interests and aspirations.  A combination of on and off-site learning is available as appropriate to meet the individual needs of the pupils.

In particular, the curriculum should support pupils to:

  • To have high aspirations for themselves
  • To make good progress from their own individual starting points
  • To become independent learners
  • To have functional skills for daily living in numeracy and literacy
  • To develop a love for learning
  • To recognise their strengths
  • To recognise and value that learning can happen anywhere

The curriculum aims to offer all pupils opportunities for the development of learning, knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary for their self-fulfilment and contribution as active and responsive global citizens, irrespective of social background, culture, race religion, belief or the lack of it, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or differences in ability and disabilities.

In addition to their learning needs, many students may have missed large aspects of education prior to attending Egham Park, so when they start with us their educational and social and emotional development may be below their age-related expectations.  Out alternative curriculum is designed to make it accessible to all pupils and provides opportunities that are unique to the individual.

Online Safety in the Curriculum

Egham Park School has a clear set of values:

  • RESPECT: For yourself, for others and for the environment
  • KINDNESS: Be kind to yourself, to others and to all living things
  • GROWTH: To allow personal and to support the growth of others

These values are upheld and demonstrated throughout all aspects of school life.  This is underpinned by the school’s Behaviour Policy and Pastoral Support System and throughout the school curriculum.

Regard is given to the age and stage of development of our pupils.  The curriculum tackles issues such as, but not exclusive to:

  • Healthy and respectful relationships
  • What respectful behaviour looks like?
  • Consent
  • Stereotyping
  • Equality
  • Body confidence and self-esteem
  • That sexual violence and sexual harassment is always wrong

This is done in a variety of ways such as through PSHE lessons, Personal and Social Development and Preparing for Adulthood.


The implementation of the pupil’s individual curriculum starts with a review of all the information available around the young person. This will include all information from the EHCP, assessment information, the pupil’s One Page Profile and the views and wishes of the pupil. Learning styles are discussed and any apparent obstacle to learning are removed.

Years 7 & 8: (KS3) Engagement & Fulfilment Curriculum Pathway

Year 7 undertake the following: English (AQA), Maths (AQA), Science (AQA), History (ASDAN Short course), Geography (ASDAN Short course), PSHE, ICT (AQA), Physical Wellbeing (AQA), Art (Arts Award), Environmental Studies (National Trust Volunteering) , Enrichment, Personal Development (Reading), Independent Study (Free choice), Tutor Time and (1:1 Nurture), Employability (School Enterprise), Social Group, LASER Qualification (Level 1 Extended Award for Learning, Employability and Progression), LASER Qualification (Level 1 Extended Certificate for Learning, Employability and Progression)

SubjectWeekly Allocation in Year 7
English (AQA)3 x 1 hour
Maths (AQA)3 x 1 hour
Science (AQA)2 x 1 hour
History (ASDAN Short Course)1 x 1 hour
Geography (ASDAN Short Course)1 x 1 hour
PSHE2 x 1 hour
ICT (AQA)1 x 1 hour
Physical Wellbeing (AQA)2 x 1 hour
Art (Arts Award)1 x 1.5 hour
Environmental Studies (Bi-weekly) – National Trust Volunteering1 x 2 hour
Enrichment (Bi-weekly)1 x 2 hour
Personal Development: Reading1 x 30 minutes
LASER Qualification3 x 1 hour
Independent Study LASER Qualification, ASDAN Short Course, Personal Project or AQA unit awards1 x 1 hour
Tutor Time1 x 30 minutes
Nurture 1:1 (Pupil rotation)3 x 30 minutes
Employability (School Enterprise)1 x 1 hour
Social Group1 x 1 hour

Years 9 (KS3): Engagement & Fulfilment Curriculum Pathway

Year 9 undertake the following: English Functional Skills, Maths Functional Skills, Science (AQA), History (ASDAN Short course), Geography (ASDAN Short course), PSHE, ICT (AQA), Physical Wellbeing (AQA), Art (Arts Award), Environmental Studies (National Trust Volunteering), Enrichment, Personal Development (Reading), Independent Study (Free choice), Tutor Time and (1:1 Nurture), Social Group, LASER Qualification (Level 1 Diploma for Learning, Employability and Progression).

SubjectWeekly Allocation in Year 9
English Functional Skills (CGP Booklet or NEC)3 x 1 hour
Maths Functional Skills (CGP Booklet or NEC)3 x 1 hour
Science (AQA)2 x 1 hour
History (ASDAN Short Course)1 x 1 hour
Geography (ASDAN Short Course)1 x 1 hour
PSHE2 x 1 hour
ICT (AQA)1 x 1 hour
Physical Wellbeing (AQA)2. x 1 hour
Art (Arts Award)1 x 1.5 hour
Environmental Studies (Bi-weekly) – National Trust Volunteering1 x 2 hour
Enrichment (Bi-weekly)1 x 2 hour
Personal Development: Reading1 x 30 minutes
LASER Qualification3 x 1 hour
Independent Study LASER Qualification, ASDAN Short Course, Personal Project or AQA unit awards1 x 1 hour
Tutor Time1 x 30 minutes
Nurture 1:1 (Pupil rotation)3 x 30 minutes
Social Group1 x 1 hour

10 & 11: Independence & Wellbeing Curriculum Pathway

Years 10 & 11 undertake the following: English Functional Skills , Maths Functional Skills, Science (ASDAN Short course), PSHE, ICT (AQA), Physical Wellbeing (AQA), Environmental Studies (National Trust Volunteering) , Enrichment, Personal Development (Reading), Independent Study (Free choice), Tutor Time , (1:1 Nurture), Social Group, LASER Qualification (Level 2 Award/Certificate in Progression.

During KS4, pupils are given more choice over their curriculum to best support them towards their next steps. This means pupils are given the opportunity to replace subjects such as Art (Arts Award) and use their increased independent study sessions to develop skills in their chosen areas.

GCSE’s are not a part of the formal curriculum offer at Egham Park School. However, using data from our assessments and through discussions with pupils and parents/carers on their next steps, it may be in the students’ best interest to follow a GCSE pathway. For this reason, pupils may be able to complete GCSEs through the National Extension College with support from Egham Park School educators. Subjects offered through the National Extension College include Astronomy, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Combined Science, Double Science, English Language, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Maths, Physics, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish.

SubjectWeekly Allocation in Year 10 & 11
English Functional Skills (CGP Booklet or NEC)3 x 1 hour
Maths Functional Skills (CGP Booklet or NEC)3 x 1 hour
Science (AQA)2 x 1 hour
PSHE2 x 1 hour
ICT (AQA)1 x 1 hour
Physical Wellbeing (AQA)2. x 1 hour
Art (Arts Award)1 x 1.5 hour
Environmental Studies (Bi-weekly) – National Trust Volunteering1 x 2 hour
Enrichment (Bi-weekly)1 x 2 hour
Personal Development: Reading1 x 30 minutes
Independent Study LASER Qualification, ASDAN Short Course, Personal Project, AQA Unit Awards or NEC (GCSE)4 x 4.5 hour
Tutor Time1 x 3.5 Hours
Nurture 1:1 (Pupil rotation)3 x 30 minutes
LASER Qualification3 x 1 hour
Social Group1 x 1 hour

Overall curriculum objectives are as follows:

  • To provide a Real-World alternative curriculum.
  • To optimise functional skills in all areas.
  • To promote pupil voice within the curriculum.
  • To promote independent learning.
  • To offer pupils an opportunity for ‘Blended-Learning’.
  • To offer accredited courses which are appropriate to individual ability levels.
  • To carry out baseline assessment from which future progress can be monitored.
  • To empower pupils with the skills they need to appropriately contribute to society.
  • To provide pupils with the functional skills in English and Maths that are essential to succeed in learning, life and work.
  • To cater for individual learning styles.
  • To foster a sense of self-worth and self-achievement.
  • To prepare students academically, vocationally, and socially for adulthood.
  • To have a positive impact on pupils learning, self-development, and overall wellbeing.

By implementing a differentiated and alternative curriculum it is intended that Egham Park School will:

  • Cater for the specific needs of individual pupils as described in their EHCP’s, by providing teaching and learning opportunities at an appropriate level.
  • Listen to the pupils’ voice to encourage academic and personal development and to foster a love of learning.
  • Will provide a safe and accepting learning environment, that reduces anxiety and in turn increases learning.
  • Allow pupils to experience growth and success from their individual starting point.
  • Allow pupils to reach their full potential and to achieve their own personal success.

It is intended that through their programme of study, our pupils will:

  • Develop a greater sense of self-worth and self-belief.
  • Develop independence.
  • Improve their reading, writing and mathematical skills.
  • Have gained the life and social skills to be an active and valuable member of their community.
  • Have gained accreditation to demonstrate the levels to which they have studies.
  • Feel confident to make decisions about their future.
  • Have a positive attitude towards their past, present and future learning.
  • Develop the confidence and social skills to move to vocational or higher education, or into employment.
  • Have the necessary key skills, self-worth, and self-esteem to approach new situations with confidence.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The Principal of the School will ensure that:

  • The curriculum is regularly reviewed for its appropriateness
  • The amount of time allocated for teaching the curriculum is adequate and reviewed regularly.
  • That procedures for assessment are in place and pupils and their parent/carers receive information to show how much progress the pupils are making and what is required to help them improve.
  • All teaching and support staff have an oversight of the curriculum.
  • Levels of attainment and rates of progress are discussed with staff on a regular basis and that actions are taken where necessary to improve these.
  • Appropriate awarding bodies and courses are selected so that they best meet the learning needs of our pupils.
  • Oversee that assessment is appropriate to the course being studied.
  • Staff share best practice with colleagues in terms of curriculum design and delivery.
  • Oversee CPD needs regarding curriculum planning and delivery.

Teaching staff and support staff will:

  • Ensure that the Egham Park School curriculum is implemented in accordance with this policy.
  • Keep up to date with developments in their subjects.
  • Teaching staff will carry out regular assessment in line with the subject being taught and share the information with support staff and the Principal.
  • Will ensure that they have read all relevant information regarding the individual pupils to ensure that most appropriate delivery of the curriculum for that individual.
  • Share and exchange information and best practice amongst colleagues and through external networks.
  • Participate in professional development, working with other teachers and support staff to develop their skills in understanding the learning needs of their pupils and how best to address those needs and engage them.
  • Work in partnership with other agencies to provide and appropriate range of curriculum opportunities.

Pupils will:

  • Have their voices and opinions heard, enabling them to be partners in their learning, and where appropriate, contributing to the design of the curriculum.
  • Have their individual needs considered and addressed, resulting in a curriculum that supports them in school, but also at home and within the community.

Parents and carers will:

  • Be kept informed about their children’s learning.
  • Be confident that their child is receiving a relevant and appropriate education that is designed to meet their learning needs and will equip them with the skills they need to be independent and successful members of their community.
  • Be informed about the curriculum on offer and understand the rationale behind it.

Safeguarding children

All elements of the school curriculum are underpinned by the need to enable pupils to feel safe and adopt safe practices.  The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supports staff in delivering specific safeguarding issues within the curriculum, including how to keep safe, e-safety, anti-bullying, anti-radicalisation, FGM, County Lines and a wide range of awareness raising topics.

Alongside supporting staff, The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) also leads weekly Personal Development and Safety workshops with pupils on specific safeguarding issues bespoke to the needs of each pupil.

Non-partisan views

Throughout the curriculum we encourage pupils to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Our curriculum is designed to be non-partisan and staff are instructed to always maintain a non-partisan approach during curriculum delivery.

To support a Non-Partisan view, each school term follows the Four British Values and SMSC topics. Thus, providing an opportunity for these areas to be naturally embedded across the curriculum and subject areas. These include:

Autumn Term:

SMCS: Spiritual Development

British Value: Individual Liberty

Spring Term:

SMSC: Moral & Social Development

British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law

Summer Term:

SMSC: Cultural Development

British Values: Respect & Tolerance