Policy title | ASDAN Policy | ||
Status: | Statutory for Qualification | Approved date: | Review Date: |
Egham Park Introduction | 3 |
Organisation chart | 4 |
Staff recruitment, induction, and development statement | 5 |
Procedure for internal moderation | 6-8 |
Access to fair assessment statement | 9-10 |
Procedure for dealing with complaints | 11 |
Procedure for dealing with candidate enquiries, requests for review of marks | 11-12 |
Procedure for dealing with malpractice and maladministration | 13-16 |
Health and Safety policy | 16 |
Safeguarding policy | 16 |
Equality, diversity, and inclusion policy (Equal opportunities policy) | 16 |
Conflict of interest policy and procedure | 17-18 |
Statement on candidate support | 19 |
Withdrawal statement | 20 |
Procedure for quality assurance review of the qualification | 21 |
Data protection policy and privacy notice | 21 |
Assessment planning | 21 |
Our curriculum intent & Implementation
At Egham Park School, every pupil is recognised as a unique individual
We understand the importance of offering a tailored real-world curriculum that is responsive to individual needs. Our aim is to engage, empower and equip pupils for their next steps into adulthood. Nurturing Respect, Kindness and Growth are the fundamental foundations across our curriculum. We support pupils to build independence and become valuable members of their own community.
To do so, we advise and deliver a bespoke real-world curriculum that:
- Fosters and celebrates individual talents
- Promotes advocacy, offering pupils an opportunity to take control over their learning
- Prepare pupils for their next steps into adulthood
- Engage and challenge pupils in a flexible, pupil-centred environment
- Forsters a collaborative culture, across other invested stakeholders including the pupil
- Create strong links between the four EHCP and Preparation for Adulthood areas
How does this look in practice?
Pupils enrolled on our real-world curriculum can complete unit awards and courses that result in qualifications, certificates of achievement or a combination of both.
We strive to create a safe and challenging environment where pupils are included in their own learning and Personal Development. Depending on a pupil’s Key-Stage, they will complete one or two programmes of study. These include: KS3: Engagement and Fulfilment Curriculum, based on the EHCP outcome areas and KS4: Independent and Wellbeing Curriculum, based on the Preparation for Adulthood areas. Each programme of study offers a flexible framework which can be adapted to meet the individual needs, aspirations, and areas of personal and academic development.
Organisational Chart

Staff Recruitment, induction, and development statement
Staff at Egham Park School responsible for leading ASDAN qualifications will have had the appropriate training, will engage with regional meetings, and will keep their training up to date. Other staff teaching on the courses will receive cascade training from the ASDAN Coordinator.
Procedure for internal moderation
Internal moderation is a key process that is carried out throughout the delivery of a Qualification, to ensure that assessment methods are consistent across all Tutors/Assessors and that outcomes are fair to all students.
Evidence of a robust internal moderation system is required at external moderation and for audit purposes; therefore, there must be reliable and auditable record-keeping systems in place. It is the responsibility of all staff to participate in the moderation process by keeping the necessary records, attending relevant meetings, and submitting marked candidate work as requested. Each module is planned and shared with ASDAN and teaching staff. The internal moderator and ASDAN staff meet to write and review the plan. Work is set according to the plan. Students’ work is regularly discussed (approx. every 2 weeks) and each module of work is internally assessed once completed.
Any changes or action points required by students are noted and dated as action points and then once complete. The plans and portfolios of evidence are safely kept in line with ASDAN expectations on lockable storage.
Students’ work is verified, and the authenticity checked before they sign the assessment checklist. All assessment evidence that has been internally moderated is kept securely on site until after the external moderation. The work remains the property of the candidate and can be returned to the candidate according to the requirements of the relevant awarding organisation. All ASDAN policies, assessment plans and procedures to do with moderation are followed in line with regulations.
The aim of this policy is to ensure that:
- Internal moderation practices are valid and reliable, cover all tutors/assessors and meet the requirements of the awarding organisation
- The internal moderation procedures are fair and open
- Accurate and detailed records are kept of internal moderation decisions
The school will:
- Ensure that all assessment activities are valid, appropriate, and fit for purpose
- Apply a strategy that will provide a representative sample across all tutor/assessors create a plan of internal moderation in relation to all assessment activities
- Define, maintain, and support effective internal moderation roles, including the provision of training where required
- Provide standardised documentation to support internal moderation activity and record- keeping
- Ensure that feedback and outcomes of internal and external moderation support future development of good practice at Egham Park School
- Carry out an annual evaluation and review of internal moderation policy and procedures
Internal Moderation timeline for ASDAN Employability
Term 1: September
Newly enrolled pupils are enrolled onto their ASDAN Employability course.
Term 1: December
First round of formative internal moderation to be conducted with colleagues from Egham Park School. All student work will be moderated. One copy of the feedback sheet to be given to the assessor, one to be stored centrally in the centre portfolio for auditable purposes. Meeting held to discuss issues arising from first round of internal moderation and Minutes taken.
Term 2: February
Second round of formative internal moderation to be conducted. Documentation to be copied as before and stored in the centre portfolio. Any action noted by IM on the first round to be checked and signed off. Meeting held to discuss issues arising.
Term 3: June
Co-ordinator to establish candidates and units to be put forward for external moderation (as required) Summative internal moderation to be conducted: Arrangements to be made for External Moderation
Term 1: September
External moderation takes place. Meeting to be arranged to discuss feedback from External Moderation and plan put in place to address any issues arising.
Access to fair assessment statement
At Egham Park School we aim to provide qualifications which provide all pupils with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route. Our Assessment Policy is based on the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency, and openness.
We will endeavour to ensure that the assessment processes are implemented in a way which is fair and non-discriminatory. Egham Park school pupils are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it. It can be found in the Centre’s ASDAN Portfolio. All tutors are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy. This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, tutors, and external organisations.
What pupils can expect from us
- We aim to ensure that all assessment of work is carried out fairly and in keeping with the awarding body’s requirements.
- All portfolio-based work will be assessed fairly against the qualification standards and teachers involved will be fully trained.
- Internal assessments will be carried out fairly and according to awarding body instructions.
- Externally marked tests and exams will be according to the requirements of the awarding body.
Students can also expect:
- To be fully inducted onto a new course and given information that can be shared with parents and carers.
- Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment to be made clear at the outset of the course and when assignments are set.
- To be given appropriate assessment opportunities during the course with feedback provided on the quality of the work.
- All work to be marked within two weeks of submission by the student.
- Where equivalents and exemptions can be applied, we will ensure this is pursued with the relevant awarding body.
Procedure for dealing with complaints
(See school policy)
Procedure for dealing with candidate enquiries, requests for review of marks
This policy addresses the situation where students may wish to appeal against a grade they have received for a qualification.
Pupils are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it. It can be found online via the Egham Park School Website. All staff are made aware of this policy and how to access it in order that students can be supported. This policy is reviewed annually and may be amended in response to feedback from pupils, staff, parents, and external organisations.
Policy Statement:
All pupils at Egham Park School have the right to make an appeal about any of the marks received for the qualifications they are undertaking. If any pupil wishes to appeal a decision, they should follow the following procedure within 10 working days of receiving the disputed decision.
- If possible, speak to the member of staff responsible for teaching the qualification in the first instance about the reason they wish to appeal.
- The member of staff has a responsibility to explain to the candidate why they received the grade/mark.
- If the pupil is not satisfied with the explanation, the piece of work will be re-marked by another member of staff also involved with that qualification.
- The pupil will be informed of the outcome of the re-marking by letter within 2 weeks of their original appeal.
- If the student wants to continue the appeal, they need to contact the exams officer, who will provide the student with information about the appeals procedure for the relevant awarding body and explain what is involved.
- The exams officer will assist with the completion of any forms and will correspond with the awarding body on behalf of the student.
If the student wants to continue the appeal, they need to contact the exams officer, who will provide the student with information about the appeals procedure for the relevant awarding body and explain what is involved.
The exams officer will assist with the completion of any forms and will correspond with the awarding body on behalf of the student.
Please note: a student must have the support of the centre to be able to appeal against a result.
Procedure for dealing with malpractice and maladministration
This policy sets out to define the procedures to be followed in the event of any dispute or allegation regarding candidate malpractice in the assessment of internally marked qualifications and regarding examinations marked externally.
Example of Maladministration
Maladministration is any unintentional activity or practice that leads to non-compliance with ASDAN requirements. … In suspected cases involving an ASDAN External Quality Assurer or other member of staff, ASDAN will investigate appropriate to the nature of the allegation.
Examples of Candidate Malpractice
Examples of Candidate Malpractice Attempted or actual malpractice activity will not be tolerated. The following are examples of malpractice by candidates with regards to portfolio-based qualifications. This list is not exhaustive:
- Plagiarism: the copying and passing of as the candidate’s own work, the whole or part of another person’s work
- Collusion: working collaboratively with other pupils to produce work that is submitted as the candidate’s only
- Failing to abide by the instructions of an assessor – This may refer to the use of resources which the candidate has been specifically told not to use
- The alteration of any results document If a teacher suspects a candidate of malpractice, the candidate will be informed, and the allegations will be explained. The candidate will have the opportunity to give their side of the story before any final decision is made. If the candidate accepts that malpractice has occurred, they will be given the opportunity to repeat the assignment. If found guilty of malpractice following an investigation, the teacher may decide to re-mark previous assignments, and these could also be rejected if similar concerns are identified.
If a malpractice decision is made, which the candidate feels is unfair, the candidate has the right to appeal in line the Appeals Policy.
Staff Malpractice Policy
This policy sets out to define the procedures to be followed in the event of any dispute or allegation regarding staff malpractice in the assessment of internally marked qualifications.
Examples of Staff Malpractice
Attempted or actual malpractice activity will not be tolerated. The following are examples of malpractice by staff with regards to portfolio-based qualifications. This list is not exhaustive:
- Informed in writing of the allegation made against them
- Informed what evidence there is to support the allegation
- Informed of the possible consequences, should malpractice be proven
- Given the opportunity to consider their response to the allegations
- Given the opportunity to submit a written statement
- Given the opportunity to seek advice (as necessary) and to provide a supplementary statement (if required)
- Informed of the applicable appeals procedure, should a decision be made against them
- Informed of the possibility that information relating to a serious case of malpractice will be shared with the relevant awarding body and may be shared with other awarding bodies, the regulators Ofqual, the police and/or professional bodies
- If work is submitted for moderation/verification or for marking which is not the candidate’s own work, the awarding body may not be able to give that candidate a result.
Staff Malpractice Sanctions
Where a member of staff is found guilty of malpractice, Egham Park School may impose the following sanctions:
Written warning
Issue the member of staff with a written warning stating that if the offence is repeated within a set period of time, further specified sanctions will be applied
2) Training: Require the member of staff, as a condition of future involvement in both internal and external assessments to undertake specific training or mentoring, within a particular period of time, including a review process at the end of the training
3) Special conditions: Impose special conditions on the future involvement in assessments by the member of staff
Bar the member of staff in all involvement in the administration of assessments for a set period.
Should the degree of malpractice be deemed gross professional misconduct, the member of staff could face dismissal from their post.
The member of staff may appeal against sanctions imposed on them. Appeals will be conducted in line with the schools Appeals Policy.
Health and Safety Policy
(See school policy)
Safeguarding Policy
(See school policy)
Equal Opportunities Policy
(See school policy)
Conflict of interest policy and procedure
What is a potential ‘Conflict of Interest’?
A Person who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment (e.g. where a pupil is related to or a friend of the assessor). Yearly declaration will be complete by all staff involved in the delivery of any ASDAN qualifications
Egham Park School staff will report such conflicts of interest in order that the school can make arrangements for the relevant part of the assessment to be subject to scrutiny by another person. Where there is a perceived conflict of interest, the following procedure will apply to avoid adverse effects.
- Egham Park School will report perceived conflict of interest, at the earliest opportunity, to ASDAN Head of Quality Assurance.
- Identified conflict of interest will be investigated by Corey Bulmer, Head of Centre.
Next steps will vary according to the nature of the perceived conflict.
- The individual(s) involved in the conflict will be contacted to provide further details, along with any independent “witnesses”, and an assessment will be made of the situation, in particular any actions that need to be taken to mitigate the adverse effects that might occur.
- A full record of the investigation and decisions will be made and kept, and a report provided to the centre.
- Where adverse effects are thought to have occurred ASDAN will be informed at the earliest opportunity.
Moderation and Conflict of interest within ASDAN procedures
Conflict of Interest is defined by Ofqual (General Conditions of Recognition, June 2016). In relation to assessment and internal moderation it is important that, as part of the Centre Approval Process:
- All centres declare their awareness of the potential for conflict of interest, and take reasonable steps to ensure that the assessment of a pupil is not undertaken by any person who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment (e.g. where student is family or friend of assessor)
- All centres are required to report such conflicts of interest in order that ASDAN can make arrangements for the relevant part of the assessment to be subject to scrutiny by another person
Name | Signature | Date |
I confirm that there is no conflict of interest which could inform my fair assessment of any pupils currently enrolled at Egham Park School. | ||
Statement on candidate support
Initial assessment and induction:
Pupils at Egham Park School choose their options during Yr9. Three pathways are offered and are subject to their baseline assessment data and progression. Pupils are offered advice within the option process with all pupils been given the opportunity to complete the ASDAN Employability qualifications through their Careers and Enterprise subject.
Advice and guidance procedures:
Pupils at Egham Park School are provided advice and guidance within the options process in choosing courses and are then monitored throughout KS4, with help provided to complete the courses chosen. Discussions take place between the teaching team, Head of Centre, and the principle.
- Obtaining a Unique Learner Number (ULN): All students attending Egham Park school receive a ULN number which is held on the school register.
- Credit transfer, exemption, and Recognition of Prior Learning: Pupils may transfer credits obtained from previous ASDAN short courses provided in accordance with ASDAN guidelines and regulations
Withdrawal policy or statement
Reasons for withdrawing a qualification
There are several reasons why a qualification might be withdrawn by Egham Park School, including:
- Lack of demand for the qualification
- Qualification no longer meets the needs of the pupil population
- Qualification subject matter is no longer relevant
- Units and qualifications are owned by other awarding organisations who have decided to withdraw
- Lack of funding
School qualification withdrawal process
Stage 1 – Decision to withdraw
All current Egham Park School qualifications will be reviewed by the person designated as having responsibility for Accreditation, annually or more frequently if the situation requires.
They will consider entry data, attainment levels, qualification relevance and regulatory changes. If a decision is made to withdraw a qualification a report outlining the rationale will be developed and signed off by the school principal.
Stage 2 – Managing the Withdrawal
Upon the decision being made to withdraw a qualification, a withdrawal plan will be formulated. The plan will comply with any requirements as stated by Ofqual and may include arrangements for pupils to complete programmes of work at an alternative centre. The plan will:
- Specify how the interests of pupils in relation to the qualification will be protected.
- Detail how the withdrawal will be communicated to the awarding organisation, regulatory authorities, centres, and pupils providing details of all deadlines including the last date for accepting entries and the last date for certification.
Procedure for quality assurance review of the qualification (review and feedback, monitoring learner progress)
The planning of ASDAN Qualifications is the responsibility of the class teacher. Each individual pupil has different needs and abilities that staff aim to harness by the careful choosing of units. Discussions regarding the day to day running of all ASDA courses at Egham Park School are discussed every fortnight during the Curriculum Department meeting. Staff and student surveys will be used to review the ASDAN courses being delivered.
Data protection policy and privacy notice
(See school policy)
Assessment planning: procedure for delivery of required GLH and recording of assessment and related assessment plans
All ASDAN qualifications follow the set Guided Learning hours as stated in the specifications. All qualifications and pupils accepted onto the course are discussed by teaching staff and SLT to ensure consistency and suitability.
Assessment plans are in the process of being written for the Employability qualification. This is an ongoing process.