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Egham Park School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Egham Park School understands its obligations under The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, The Education Act 1996 and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all requirements therein, which ensure appropriate and lawful first aid practises. This Statement’s purpose is to provide instruction and detail of the first aid protocol established for Egham Park Schools pupils, staff, volunteers and visitors.
First aid is the assistance or treatment given to someone injured, suddenly ill, etc., before medical services arrive or can be reached. It is the approved method of treating the injured until placed in the care of a doctor if necessary as well as to prevent the condition from worsening.
- Ensuring there is sufficient first aid equipment, supplies and suitable facilities available to carry out first aid
- Ensuring an appropriate number of trained first aid staff and appointed persons are on site and available. Ensuring all appropriate parties understand and comply with all which is outlined above.
- The Principal will ensure that there are appropriate numbers of appointed persons and that they are adequately trained to meet their required duties.
- Ensuring all parents have supplied medical and emergency contact information and ensuring that information be kept up to date.
- Ensuring all contact details of next of kin and relevant health issues of staff and volunteers be kept on file and up to date.
- Ensuring infection control is maintained to the highest possible standard especially with reference to Covid-19.
First Aid Arrangements
- Egham Park School requires there to be sufficient full time staff members trained to be current & qualified First Aiders.
- First Aiders must have completed and approved HSE (Health and Safety Executive) training course, which is updated every three years.
- Responsibilities of the trained and qualified first aiders are:
- to assess the situation where there is an injured or ill person
- immediately provide appropriate treatment. (Note: adults, whether or not first aiders, are not to remove any part of a pupils’ clothing to expose skin. If this is necessarily to administer first aid, then the pupil is to be invited to remove the minimum clothing necessary themself. If the child is unable to do this, e.g. is unconscious, then the minimum clothing around the area to be treated is to be cut away).
- to either call for emergency services if necessary, or if not, notify the Principal who will then notify parent/carer/next of kin, for the injured or ill pupil to be transported to a hospital or their home, dependent upon the severity of the condition.
- the first aider will be instructed by the Principal when they are absolved of their duties regarding the situation, until then, a first aider must remain with the injured or ill individual(s).
- ensuring there is an adequate supply of all the required materials in the first aid boxes and notify the office should anything need replacing. This is checked every half-term.
- logging all details in the Accident Report Book. Compliance with Reporting Injuries Diseases Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (RIDDOR). Names of first aiders will be displayed at the school.
Appointed Persons
There is always a qualified first aider on the premises or on off-site school trips. They report to the Principal/Senior Member of staff.
An Appointed Person is someone who:
- Takes responsibility when someone is injured or becomes ill
- Is responsible for all first aid equipment and facilities, ensuring supplies are restocked when necessary and when notified by designated first aider.
- Calls for professional medical help when required and/or notifies parents/carers/next of kin.
The first aider/appointed person is to always call an ambulance on the following occasions:
- In the event of a serious injury
- In the event of any significant head injury
- In the event of a period of unconsciousness
- Whenever there is the possibility of a fracture or where this is suspected
- Whenever the first aider is unsure of the severity of the injuries
- Whenever the first aider is unsure of the correct treatment
In the event of an accident involving a pupil, where appropriate, it is our policy to always notify parents/carers of their child’s accident.
Our procedure for notifying parents/carers will be to use all telephone numbers available to contact them and leave a message should the parents/carers not be contactable.
In the event that parents/carers cannot be contacted and a message has been left, we will continue to attempt to make contact with the parents. In the interim, we will ensure that the qualified first aider remains with the pupil until the parents can be contacted and arrive (as required).
In the event that the pupil requires hospital treatment and the parents/carers cannot be contacted prior to attendance, the qualified first aider will accompany the pupil to hospital and remain with them until the parents/carers can be contacted and arrive at the hospital.
All accidents requiring first aid treatment are to be recorded with (at least) the following information in the Accident Report Book:
- Name of injured person
- Name of the qualified first aider
- Date of the accident
- Type of accident (eg. bump on head etc)
- Treatment provided and action taken
Egham Park School will comply with the RIDDOR’s Policy Riddor RIDDOR is the reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. This policy has been updated for Coronavirus.
We will follow all government guidance relating to Covid-19 cases at school, including reporting to Public Health England.
First Aid Facilities
The First Aid/Quiet Room is located on the first floor and is signposted. The area contains a washbasin, a bed and is close to the WC. There is a first aid kit, body fluid spills kit and waste bin provided. PPE is also stored in the First Aid/Quiet Room. In the event of an emergency, or if a pupil is unwell and needs to lie down, the area will be evacuated to provide more space.
First Aid Kits are located in the following areas:
- Upstairs First Aid Room
- Reception Office
Both are signposted with First Aid signs and contain Eye washes. First Aid Kits are checked half-termly and after they are used.
Control of Infection
Egham Park School undertakes precautions and procedures to minimise any cross contamination and to control the risk of infection, including Covid-19.
The control of the Coronavirus is of vital importance to the health of our community. All persons entering our sites are required to follow government guidance measures for controlling the spread of Covid-19.
Body Fluid Spills
Body fluids, including blood, faeces, and vomit are all considered potentially contaminated with blood-borne or other bacteria capable of causing disease. It is therefore advised that the following precautions are adhered to, when dealing with body fluids:
Clean-up Procedure
Body fluid spills should only be dealt with by a member of staff using suitable equipment and protective clothing. There is a checklist in the box to ensure it is properly stocked and it is checked half-termly along with first aid kits.
Preparation prior to cleaning up spill:
- Block off the area and ensure it is well ventilated of the spill until clean-up and disinfection is complete.
- Put on disposable gloves to prevent contamination of hands.
- Put on a disposable face mask to prevent the inhalation of germs.
- Put on a plastic apron to prevent contamination of clothing.
Procedures for dealing with body fluid spills on various surfaces:
All waste materials, which are generated when cleaning up body fluid spills, should be double-bagged and disposed off.
Spills on ‘hard’ surfaces:
The spills kit must be used in this instance: the fluid should be covered with disposable paper towels to soak up the excess. These should then be gathered up using a scoop and scraper and double-bagged. The remaining spillage should then be covered with hypochlorite solution (or equivalent eg. NaDCC granules);
- After the appropriate time has elapsed (as per manufacturer’s instructions), the whole area should be cleaned using disposable sponges. These should be disposed of as.
- The area should then be washed with detergent and hot water and dried thoroughly.
Spills on ‘soft’ surfaces: The spills kit must be used in this instance:
- If carpets become soiled they should have most of the body fluid mopped up as above and then be cleaned using a steam cleaner, if available. Otherwise hot water and detergent should be used
- On upholstery and soft furnishings, excess fluid should be mopped up with disposable towels, sponged with cold water, then cleaned with detergent and hot water, or steamed cleaned;
- If soft furnishings, carpets etc. are very badly soiled with body fluids, they may need to be considered for disposal.