GDPR Data Retention Policy

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Policy Statement

UK GDPR requires data minimisation and data protection by design and default (Article 25) – meaning data controllers and processors must implement appropriate technical and organisational measures, such as a ‘blurring technique’ (pseudonymisation), which are designed to implement data-protection principles, such as data minimisation.

Egham Park School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

1. Introduction

The emphasis under the UK GDPR is data minimisation both in terms of the volume of data stored on individuals and how long it is retained for.

To summarise the legal requirements, Article 5 (e) of the UK GDPR states that personal data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is being processed. There are some circumstances where personal data may be stored for longer periods (e.g. data relating to SEND or child protection or medical incidents).

Recital 39 of the UK GDPR states that the period for which the personal data is stored should be limited to a strict minimum and that time limits should be established by the data controller for deletion of the records (referred to as erasure in the UK GDPR) or for a periodic review.

In the course of providing an education, Egham Park School creates and holds records of pupil, parent/carer and employee information. Egham Park School demonstrates public accountability through the proper retention and disposal of records, and that decisions are taken with proper authority and in accordance with due process. Records are kept in the Accountability Documentation Record.

2. Aims and Objectives

The purpose of this policy is to set out the length of time that Egham Park School’s records should be retained and the processes for disposing of records at the end of the retention period.

3. Scope

The policy covers the categories of data listed in the Data Retention Schedule irrespective of the media on which they are created or held including:

  • Paper
  • Electronic files
  • Spreadsheets,
  • E-mails
  • Photographs, videos

The Schedule aims to include all types of categories of records which Egham Park School creates or holds. They include:

  • Admissions
  • Attainment
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour
  • Exclusions
  • Identity Management (photos on documents)
  • Trips and Activities
  • Medical Info and Administration
  • Safeguarding 
  • SEND
  • Personal identifiers, contacts and personal characteristics

4. Data Subject Rights and Data Integrity

  • A Right of Subject Access

A data subject has a right to be supplied by Egham Park School with the personal data held about him or her.

  • A Right of Correction
    A data subject may force Egham Park School to correct any mistakes in the data held about them.
  • A Right to Prevent Distress
    A data subject may prevent the use of information if it would be likely to cause them distress.
  • A Right to Prevent Direct Marketing
    A data subject may stop their data being used in attempts to sell them things (eg by junk mail or cold calling.)
  • A Right to Prevent Automatic Decisions
    A data subject may specify that they do not want a data user to make “automated” decisions about them
  • A Right of Complaint to the Information Commissioner
    A data subject can ask for the use of their personal data to be reviewed by the Information Commissioner who can enforce a ruling using the DPA. The Commissioner may inspect a controller’s computers to help in the investigation.
  • A Right to Compensation
    The data subject is entitled to use the law to get compensation for damage caused (“damages”) if personal data about them is inaccurate, lost, or disclosed.

5. Technical and Organisational Data Security Measures

Pupil, parent/carer and staff data is held in our system. Each user is issued with a unique and secure password, with permission-based access ensuring that they can only view the data relevant to them. No data is stored on any device, and Arbor automatically logs out after a period of inactivity. Pupil data is NEVER shared with third parties without Egham Park’sconsent.

Emails, photos, the website, apps and all school documents are stored in our school system which is UK GDPR compliant. All data not on the computer system is kept in a locked cupboard in school office, access to which is through a locked door.

 All staff are responsible for ensuring that:

  • Any personal data which they hold is kept securely. Personal information is not disclosed either orally or in writing or accidentally or otherwise to any unauthorised third party.
  • Staff should note that unauthorised disclosure and/or failure to adhere to the requirements set out below will usually be a disciplinary matter, and may be considered gross misconduct in some cases.
  • Personal information should be kept in a locked cupboard or in a locked drawer; or if it is computerised, be password protected; or when kept or in transit on portable media the files themselves must be password protected.
  • Personal data should never be stored at staff members’ homes, whether in manual or electronic form, on laptop computers or other personal portable devices or at other remote sites. Ordinarily, personal data should not be processed at staff members’ homes, whether in manual or electronic form, on laptop computers or other personal portable devices or at other remote sites. In cases where such off-site processing is felt to be necessary or appropriate, the agreement of the Principal must be obtained, and all the security guidelines given in this document must still be followed.
  • Data stored on portable electronic devices or removable media is the responsibility of the individual member of staff who operates the equipment. It is the responsibility of this individual to ensure that: Suitable backups of the data exist; Sensitive data is appropriately encrypted; Sensitive data is not copied onto portable storage devices without first consulting the data protection officer in regard to appropriate encryption and protection measures. Electronic devices such as laptops, mobile devices and computer media (USB devices, CD’s etc) that contain sensitive data ARE not left unattended when offsite.
  • For some information the risks of failure to provide adequate security may be so high that it should never be taken home. This might include payroll information, addresses of pupils and staff, disciplinary or appraisal records or bank account details. Exceptions to this may only be with the explicit agreement of the Principal.

6. Data Disposal

Data is removed in accordance with our Data Retention Schedule. All records containing personal information, or sensitive policy information should be made either unreadable or unreconstructable.

  • Paper records should be shredded
  • CDs / DVDs should be cut into pieces
  • Electronic files should be deleted

Where records are destroyed internally, the process must ensure that all records are authorised to be destroyed by a member of the Leadership team and the destruction recorded. Records should be shredded as soon as the record has been documented as being destroyed.

The data destroyed is recorded in the Data Destruction Checklist

7. Data Retention

A recommended minimum retention period is provided for each category of record in the Data Retention Schedule which is as follows:

The minimum retention period is the greater of

(a) 6 years after the student’s leaving date from the school, or

(b) if relating to a child, the 24th birthday of the child, or

(c) if relating to more than one child, the 24th birthday of the youngest child

The retention period applies to all records within that category. The recommended minimum retention period derives from guidelines from Article 6 and 9 from the UK GDPR and are either:

  • Public task – it is necessary for Egham Park to perform a task in the public
  • Interest or for an official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.
  • Vital interest – necessary to protect someone’s life.
  • Legal obligation – necessary for Egham Park School to comply with the law

The following records should be stored separately to the pupil record as they are subject to shorter retention periods

  • Absence notes
  • Parental consent forms for trips/outings [in the event of a major incident all the parental consent forms should be retained with the incident report not in the pupil record]
  • Correspondence with parents about minor issues
  • Accident forms (these are stored separately and retained in the school office until their retention period is reached. A copy could be placed on the pupil file in the event of a major incident)


E-mail that needs to be kept should be identified by content; for example, does it form part of a pupil record? Is it part of a contract? The retention for keeping these e-mails will then correspond with the classes of records according to content in the retention schedule. These e-mails may need to be saved or printed out and placed on paper files This policy should be used in conjunction with the Data Retention Schedule.