Malpractice Policy

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It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure that all centre staff having a role in the delivery, assessment, moderation/verification and administration of ASDAN qualifications, and all candidates undertaking ASDAN qualifications have access to this policy and understand their responsibilities in relation to it.

This policy covers all ASDAN qualifications and related procedures and activities to ensure robust measures are in place to prevent, investigate and deal with cases of maladministration and suspected malpractice.

This statement is located on the Egham Park School website policy section at and is accessible by staff, parents and Learners. Learners will be informed of the location and contents of the policy at the induction stage.

Definition of Malpractice and Maladministration

Malpractice is any illegal or unethical activity or practice that deliberately breaches regulations, or might compromise quality assurance or control, or undermine the integrity and validity of assessment, the certification of qualifications and/or damage the authority of those responsible for conducting the assessment and certification, or could otherwise compromise the reputation of ASDAN, the centre, or the wider qualifications community.

Candidate Malpractice could be plagiarism of any kind; collusion or copying of another candidate’s work; assuming the identity of another person for the purposes of assessment; providing false information in relation to exemption from assessment.

Staff Malpractice could be contravention of, or continued failure to meet centre approval, or any of ASDAN’s administration or quality assurance requirements; providing improper assistance to candidates in the production of work for assessment; allowing evidence which is known by the staff member not to be the candidate’s own to be included; or making claims for certification prior to the candidate completing all the requirements of the assessment.

Awarding organisation malpractice could be the failure of an ASDAN auditor or external moderator to fully undertake their role in line with quality assurance requirements. In suspected cases involving an ASDAN External Moderator or other member of staff, ASDAN will conduct an investigation appropriate to the nature of the allegation.

Maladministration is any unintentional activity or practice that leads to non-compliance with ASDAN requirements. In most cases, maladministration will relate to administrative or quality assurance procedures, and may involve any or all of the following: candidates, centre staff, awarding organisation staff. Maladministration, if serious enough, may be treated as malpractice.

In suspected cases involving an ASDAN External Moderator or other member of staff, ASDAN will conduct an investigation appropriate to the nature of the allegation.

Centre’s Responsibilities

  • Immediately report to ASDAN organisation all suspected (alleged) and actual incidents of malpractice or Maladministration.
  • Comply fully with ASDAN’s requests for information in relation to the allegation.
  • Co-operate with ASDAN during the investigation, including carrying out internal investigations in line with ASDAN’s requests, using people who are not involved in the alleged maladministration or malpractice.
  • Provide ASDAN with a report of any such investigation.
  • Implement agreed actions following the investigation and take appropriate measures to mitigate the effect and prevent any recurrence of the maladministration or suspected or actual malpractice.
  • Notify ASDAN if any person involved in the malpractice or maladministration or in completing any actions as a result of the investigation leaves the centre.
  • Respect the confidentiality of information handled.
  • Retain records and documentation relating to the investigation for a period of time.

Guidance for Preventing Malpractice and Maladministration

The centre will: 

  • Provide clear information for staff: all staff involved must be aware of the assessment requirements, the relevant Standards with Guidance, administrative procedures and the terminology and definitions of malpractice and maladministration. They must be aware of the procedures to follow should they become aware of either centre staff or candidate malpractice or maladministration occurring.
  • Identify the key roles of staff: Identify roles and responsibilities for the various aspects of the management, delivery and administration of assessments (assessors/tutors, internal moderator, exams officers and other administrative staff).
  • Only assist candidates where permitted: Assessors must be clear over how they may “assist candidates” in relation to assessments/portfolios. Candidates with access arrangements must not be assisted beyond what is permitted by the regulations.
  • Deal with centre staff and candidate malpractice in the correct and appropriate manner: If centre staff or candidates are suspected of engaging in any of the behaviour/actions detailed above then this needs to be dealt with in the appropriate manner. SLT must ensure that they are clear over what ASDAN expects when dealing with such instances. They must be aware of the processes related to dealing with malpractice and how to investigate and report instances accordingly.
  • Provide clear information for candidates: Candidates should be clear over the consequences of collusion, copying or allowing their work to be copied.

Identifying Cases of Alleged or Actual Malpractice or Maladministration

Suspected cases of malpractice or maladministration could be identified by centre staff, examiners, moderators and assessors, candidates, external agencies or individuals, whistle-blower’s or anonymous informants.

 When ASDAN receives an allegation from someone other than the Head of a Centre (including anonymous reports), ASDAN will evaluate the allegation in the light of any other available information, to see if there is cause to investigate further.

Reporting Suspected or Actual Malpractice or Maladministration

The Centre will:

  • Submit the full details of the case at the earliest opportunity to ASDAN. Any additional evidence to support the allegation should be included with the form.
  • Will be subject to ASDAN procedures following the reporting of malpractice and maladministration as outlined in their policy.