Date Created | Date 1st Review Date | Date Reviewed | Version | Next Review Date |
June 2024 | June 2025 |
Egham Park School has in place a set of processes to ensure that quality will be experienced consistently across all aspects of the school and to support Egham Park School in a cycle of continuous improvement. At the heart of the cycle is self-assessment.
The aim is to achieve quality improvements that are pupil focussed and that have a positive impact on the pupil experience:
The processes that support quality are set out in detail in EPS policies and procedures.
Relevant staff are introduced to the schools’ quality assurance documents and follow the appropriate processes. Implementation is monitored to ensure staff understand and comply and that all aspects of the procedures are effective.
The following documents/procedures are in place to provide a Quality Assurance Framework:
- School Policies
- Ofsted Inspection
- Advisory Board in Place
- School Improvement Plan
- Self-Evaluation Form
- Policy Audit Log
- Safeguarding Meetings
- Safeguarding Files Audits
- Local Authority DSL Training
- Local Authority DSL Network Meetings
- HR & Personnel – outsourced to specialist Employment Law and HR Company
- Staff Supervisions and Appraisals
- Specialist External and In-House Training and CPD
- Safer Recruitment Processes
- Records of Staff Meetings
- SCR Audits
- External ELSA Supervision Service
- SLT Meetings
- Senior Teacher Meetings
- Colleague Meetings and Staff Briefings
- Staff induction including sign-off off policies when read/reviewed.
- Emails between staff
- DBS Declaration every 6 months/signing in and out daily declaration.
- Completion of Daily Risk Assessment in addition to room and trip assessments
- Fire Alarms checked weekly to ensure that they are in working order
- Regular checks of emergency lighting
- Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting servicing
- Termly Fire Drills
- Annual Fire Risk Assessment by external specialist
- Fire Safety Inspections and Surveys
- Annual Boiler and Cooker service
- PAT Testing
- Completion of cleaning schedule;
- ASDAN External Moderation
- AQA Awards External Moderation
- Art Awards – External Moderation
- Staff Observations and Learning Walks
- Marking
- Annual Pupil Assessments
- Termly Reports
- External Careers Advice Provider
- EHCP Annual Review Process
- Parental contact via formal and informal meetings
- School events and Parental Forums
- Emails to parents with any updates/changes
- Parental feedback via Ofsted and SIP questionnaires
- Website updates
- Newsletters.