Assessment Policy

Date CreatedDate 1st Review DueDate ReviewedVersionNext Review Due
December 2022December 2023   
December 20232December 2024
December 20243December 2025


At Egham Park School, assessment is not a stand-alone activity; it concerns the measurement of performance at a given point in time, as well as the on-going process of gaining information to promote future learning.

Assessment provides opportunities for pupils to follow a curriculum appropriate to their individual needs, to provide information on student attainment, and to ensure that pupils reach their full potential.

Using the assessment policy students will be informed of their progress in lessons in a consistent manner through feedback and guidance given from teachers. This will promote a coherent approach throughout all subject areas.

Assessment also provides key information regarding pupil progress throughout all areas of the curriculum and includes both academic and personal, social and emotional progress.

The function of assessments at Egham Park School are:

  1. To identify pupils’ progress and needs, to evaluate the success of teaching and to encourage pupils.
  • To provide appropriate information for a range of audiences including pupils, parents, teachers, statutory bodies, external agencies, and other educational establishments.
  • To provide regular information to staff and other stakeholders to ensure that appropriate support and intervention is put into place.
  • To ensure progression throughout the curriculum leading to successful outcomes for each individual pupil.


The following key principles underpin all effective assessment systems:

  • Assessment is fair and honest
  • Assessment is appropriate to the individual
  • Assessment is ambitious
  • Assessment is continuous
  • Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information


The process of assessment is central to helping young people to progress and fulfil their potential.

Assessment should be fully integrated into teaching strategies so that progress can be monitored and any barriers to learning can be identified at pupil, class or whole school level.

Central to the educational provision at Egham Park School is:

Assessment of pupil’s needs and abilities

Recording achievements and experiences

Reporting these to parents/carers and other professionals

This policy aims to:

  • Ensure effective and consistent assessment, recording and reporting across the school.
  • Meet the statutory requirements concerning assessment, recording and reporting.

The staff will aim to:

  • Facilitate individual progress and attainment for all our pupils through appropriate planning, recording, assessing and evaluation of their work.
  • Ensure accurate recording and reporting to parents, statutory agencies, and external agencies, where applicable.
  • Use the target setting process to build in challenge and to motivate pupils.
  • Have high expectations for all pupils.
  • Fulfil the Annual Review of EHCP process.
  • Recognise and take account of the variety of prior learning experiences, learning styles, special educational needs, and strengths for all pupils.
  • Identify achievements and plan for future progress.
  • Ensure continuity and support progression.


Assessment systems and strategies

Formative & Summative Assessment

Assessment strategies take many forms across the school. These can include staff observations, questioning, verbal feedback from staff and more formal assessment of written or recorded work.

Formative assessment is the ongoing assessment that staff undertake lesson by lesson across a school term and guides staff in how to modify their teaching to help students achieve. The practice of assessing against objectives and recording evidence in books, photos videos or artifacts.

Summative assessment involves assessment at given points that involves more of a diagnostic judgement of what the student can do at that given point in time. Accredited courses would be a further example of this.

This is also supported by regular interactions with staff to discuss Pupil Progress. This helps staff to identify any underperformance that may needs interventions, and to assess each student’s progress over the course of that year.

Assessment cycle

A broad range of assessment tools are used to track student progress through the curriculum:

  • Reading & Numeracy Tests (GL Assessments)
  • PASS Assessments
  • CAT4 Tests
  • AET Progression Framework
  • LASER assessments
  • Formal Accreditation

External Assessment timetable:

Term 1: Assessment
First year enrolled Initial assessments will take place within the first six weeks of a pupil enrolling at Egham Park School. Pupils are given a wider timeframe due to SEMH needs.CAT4 Test To be completed when a pupil first starts at Egham Park School  
English (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
Maths (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
Science (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
Reading (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
PASS (NGRT) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
Existing pupils Existing pupils will be re-assessed each year. Existing pupils will not be required to repeat the CAT-4 assessment.English (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
Maths (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
Science (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
Reading (GL Assessment) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   
PASS (NGRT) To be completed in term 1 (once per year)   

Internal Assessment timetable:

Pupils will be assessed at the start and end of each term (when a new topic and/or theme has been introduced). These subject based assessments will take a maximum of two weeks to complete and provide the pupils starting point, alongside showing progress over the term.

Term 1Term 2Term 3
A1Initial assessmentS3Initial assessmentS5Initial assessment
A2Summative assessmentS4Summative assessmentS6Summative assessment

Recording and monitoring progress

Progress across the curriculum is recorded in terms of attainment, in several ways, often formally. However, there are many opportunities where achievement and progress are identified and assessed, sometimes on a more informal basis.

Staff use records to review pupils’ progress in a number of contexts and use them to form the basis of reports.

Many everyday opportunities present themselves to assess and measure progress. These include:

• Student’s workbooks

• Internal & External moderation and accreditation at Key Stage

• Assessment of essential skills

• Performance in group activities

• EHCP Outcomes

• Annual review meetings

• Parents meetings

• Staff meetings

• Reports to parents

Pupil’s Passport

The one-page profile is used to encompass all the important information regarding each young person. This information will then be used to ensure a relevant and personalised approach for each student, in order to ensure that their individual curriculum effectively meets their specific needs and aspirations.


At Key Stage 4, if appropriate to the individual, students may follow accredited

courses which are determined by personal attainment at that stage. The path taken will depend upon the individual but would usually include Functional Skills, LASER and Art Awards Courses

EHCP / Annual reviews

Carers are invited and encouraged to attend their child’s EHCP Annual Review. Where appropriate the young person is encouraged to attend and contribute to the review process. Parents and students are invited to submit their views before the review meeting. At the annual review the young person’s progress and needs are assessed and the EHCP outcomes are reviewed.

Annual reports to parents

Towards the end of each academic year in the Class teacher is responsible for writing and collating the students report to parents. For each subject undertaken, reports are processed on what has been undertaken by the student and what progress has been made over the year. The pupil may have a written/pictorial input into this report, and it is evaluated and commented upon by the Principal.

Personal, Social and Emotional progress and key strengths are also included in the report.


By striving to ensure that the quality of our assessment and monitoring system is effective we will ensure that there is an accurate picture of student attainment and progress.

Regular reviews of progress will inform target setting and planned interventions to ensure students are able on track to achieve their personal outcomes.

The impact of effective assessment processes will be measured through

  • Pupil progress meetings
  • Annual Review meeting
  • Review of the Pupil Passport
  • Accredited qualifications
  • Analysis of Personal, Social and Emotional progress
  • Feedback from pupils, parents, carers, Local Authorities, and other agencies.

This policy will be reviewed and agreed by the Senior Leadership