Fire and Emergency Safety Policy

(Includes Fire Risk Management and Emergency Fire Evacuation Procedures)

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September 20243September 2025

Egham Park School Fire Wardens:

Nicki Foster

Amar Panesar

Ruby Foster


Purpose and Aims:

On Finding a Fire or Hearing a Fire Alarm
Fire Risk Assessment
Basic Fire Prevention Methods
Information, Training, and Drills
Use of Fire Fighting Equipment
Procurement and Maintenance of Fire Fighting, Fire Evacuation and Fire Detection Equipment
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm Activation, Investigation of Cause and Follow Up

On Finding a Fire or Haring the Fire Alarm
Evacuation Procedure During Hours of Building Closure
Fire Fighting
First Aid Provision and Evacuation of Casualties
Evacuation Procedures For People with Special Needs
Evacuation Responsibility
Re-Entry to the Building following a Fire Alarm

Gas Leaks
Chemical Spills
If Severe Spill Is Immediately Outside The Building

Policy Amendment

Scope and Purpose

Procedures cover the school premises including the grounds.

The purpose of this policy and procedure document is:

  • To ensure the safe and wellbeing of all staff, pupils, volunteers, and other persons who are in the property if a fire starts
  • To prevent accidental fires from starting within the premises and the uncontrolled spread of such fires
  • To ensure compliance with existing fire safety legislation
  • To minimise damage to the property in the event of fire as far as possible without endangering lives

Each person’s primary responsibility in the event of a fire alarm being sounded in their own safety.  No persons should deliberately or recklessly endanger themselves in an attempt to follow these Procedures or save the lives of others.


Fire Risk Assessment

The school premises will undergo a Fire Risk Assessment. A Schedule of Risk Assessments will be created and reviewed in accordance with the rules of the insurers (either annually or biannually)

Following each assessment recommendations for action will be made.  These recommendations will be in the form of actions and the Fire Evacuation Record which is then filed in the Fire File on the EPS Drive on Office 365.  It is the duty of the Responsible Person to ensure that these actions are carried out within the appropriate timescale.

A copy of each completed Fire Risk Assessment will be retained for at least three years.  Any updates to the fire procedures will be made clear to all staff upon induction, in annual refresher training or when any significant changes are made to policy and procedures.

Basic Fire Prevention Methods

In order to prevent fire:

  • All areas should be kept as clean and tidy as possible
  • Where possible, flammables will be stored in designates storage areas (clearly marked and always locked when unattended)
  • Where flammable substances are required and need to be stored, quantities should be minimised, and they should be kept in locked storage areas. (COSHH sheets should be provided for each of these substances)
  • Action points identified by a Fire Risk Assessment and subsequently agreed with Management must be addressed within an agreed time scale.
  • All existing Health & Safety procedures of the school and such safe systems of work relating to fire safety must be adhered to.

Information, Training and Drills

Fire Responsibilities: All those will roles and responsibilities in this policy receive suitable training, including use of fire extinguishers.

Staff/Volunteers: Receive information on fire safety on arrival or induction, in annual refresher training, and after any significant changes to the procedures.

Pupils: All pupils receive a fire safety briefing during their induction.

Contractors: Where Contractors are working on a job for which a risk assessment has been created then they will be advised on the Emergency Fire Evacuation Plan by the relevant staff member appointing the work.

Information: Fire Evacuation Notices are displayed throughout the premises.

Drills: The Senior Leadership Team, will arrange for a fire drill to be conducted during each term, during term-time.  When arranging the drills, the SLT will consult with staff regarding appropriate timing.  Consideration should be taken when arranging fire drills to ensure that they take place on different times/days and with the minimal impact on learning.  The SLT will make suitable arrangements to monitor the fire drill in terms of success of evacuation and performance of appropriate equipment.  The Fire Wardens should follow up by issuing the results of the fire drill making specific reference to where improvements need to be made. Fire Drills are recorded in the Fire Logbook.


Portable firefighting equipment is provided on the premises for staff use.  Prompt use of equipment can prevent a small fire from developing into a large one.  Do not attempt to fight the fire if you do not think that it is safe to do so e.g.:

  • The fire is large with a large amount of smoke
  • Your escape route may be compromised
  • You have not received appropriate training

No person other than a member of the Fire Brigade should re-enter the building with the specific intention of fighting a fire.


Fire Extinguishers

Fire Fighting equipment will be provided by an accredited supplier and serviced annually.  Any faulty equipment will be recorded and replaced as necessary.  The Responsible Person will or will ensure monthly checks of fire extinguishers carried out (check for removal, damage or vandalism). Staff should also report any defects or missing firefighting appliances to the Business and Compliance Manager.

Fire Logbook, Maintenance and Testing Records

The following will define what will be recorded in the Fire Logbook (and may be duplicated where records are required elsewhere for maintenance records):

  • Logbook – kept in the Reception Office
  • Escape Routes – Incorporating all doors
  • Fire Warning Systems (Smoke Alarms/Fire Bells) and recording fire drills
  • Fire Fighting Equipment
  • Emergency Lighting, all tested monthly

Any reports of periodic servicing form contractors of certain tests will have copies in the Health & Safety File.

The SLT will ensure that any necessary remedial action it taken to rectify and identified faults.  Copies of all reports relating to the testing and maintenance of firefighting, detection and evacuation equipment must be retained for a minimum of three years.

Fire Alarm Activation and Investigation of Cause and Follow Up


The Fire Alarm/Bell may be activated should any emergency occur where the immediate evacuation of the building is required. Any persons discovering a fire should sound the alarm, dial 999, exit via the nearest emergency exit, and assemble at the fire assembly point. If you are a Fire Warden, you should carry out your responsibilities for your area.

Accidental Activation

Anyone who has accidentally activated the fire alarm/or activated the bell, or by undertaking an activity which has resulted in an automatic detection (for example, a smoke/heat detector) being activated must inform a member of staff immediately.

Malicious Activation

Malicious activation of the fire alarm is defined as deliberately activating or causing another person to activate the fire alarm without suspecting a fire or other emergency. This action constitutes a disciplinary offence and will be dealt with by the Principal (See Behaviour Policy).  All staff and pupils should be encouraged to report any information that they have in the event of a malicious activation to the Principal or to the office.

Investigation of the Cause of the Alarm after the Incident

Upon notification of a Fire Alarm Incident the Fire Warden/Principal will investigate the reason for activation and progress any action to prevent a recurrence.

Activation Follow Up

Following the activation of a Fire Alarm, the Fire Warden or nominated person will collate any paperwork completed during or following the alarm. The paperwork should be retained in the Fire Safety folder pin the Egham Park School drive for at least two years. The Fire Warden or nominee will complete an Emergency Evacuation Report (Located in the Fire

LogBook in Reception). Any actions arising from a Fie Evacuation will be identified by the above appointed persons and added to the Building Fire Risk Assessment Tracker Document.  Where a fire has occurred, the Principal will commission an investigation into the cause of the fire. All members of staff are required to assist in any fire investigation conducted by the emergency services or other enforcement authority.


On Finding a Fire or Hearing the AlarmFire Assembly Point
Shout “FIRE!” Activate the alarm Dial 999 Walk quickly & calmly (do not run) to the Fire Assembly Point, via your nearest fire exit. Staff to accompany pupils/visitors/contractors to safety. Wait at assembly point quietly and listen for instructions.  The fire assembly point is outside of the garden gate.  When all staff and students are assembled, they will move together to Waspe Farm Car Park which is adjacent to the school building.

Fire Fighting

The safe evacuation of persons is an absolute priority.  Staff may only attempt to deal with small fires, if it is safe to do so without putting themselves at risk, suing portable fire-fighting equipment if they have appropriate training and only if they feel comfortable doing so.  Ensure that the alarm is raised BEFORE attempting to tackle a fire.

First Aid Provision and Evacuation of Casualties

If there is a casualty within the building, a first aider can collect the nearest first aid kit to them before exiting the building unless there is not one in the immediate vicinity or to do so would place the first aider in immediate danger.  Casualties should not receive first aid treatment inside the building during a fire alarm unless it is absolutely necessary, and it is safe for the first aider to give this treatment.

Where possible, casualties who can walk may be assisted from the building, preferably by a first aider and treated at the fire assembly point. Casualties who are unable to walk should only be evacuated if their life is in immediate danger, otherwise, they should be left inside the building.  Such casualties may be assisted to a refuge point if possible. There is no obligation for individual staff members to assist in the evacuation of casualties; however, anyone may assist where it is safe to do so.