School Closure Policy

Date CreatedDate 1st Review DueDate ReviewedVersionNext Review Due
February 2023February 2024  1 
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February 20253February 2026

Emergency School Closures

In the case of extreme weather conditions or school closure relating to Covid 19 pandemic (or any other emergency requiring school closure), a decision whether or not to close the physical school and move to virtual school will be taken as early as possible. The Principal along with senior members of staff, will make a decision to close the school by 7:30am to allow enough time for Transport (and their operators) and parents to be informed prior to commencing their journey to school. In the event of disruption caused by heavy snow the prime concern of the school must always be the safety of the pupils and staff. Each school closure is logged on a daily basis after reassessment of conditions of the site and the surrounding area and the supervision of pupils. The decision to close the school is a serious one. Our main consideration will always be the health and safety of our children and staff.

Emergency Procedures for school closure

Once a decision has been made to close the school and move to virtual school the following actions will take place:

Informing Transport

Parents/Carers are responsible for letting their transport provider know that the school is closed and the duration of the closure (if known). If the period of closure is unknown they will be informed that the school is closed for the whole day and that they will be contacted prior to the start of the next school day (following a reassessment of the site and conditions).

For children who travel on public transport and via parents please see ‘Informing Parents’ below.

Informing Parents

School staff will contact parents via email to inform them that the school will be closed and the duration of the closure (if known). If the period of closure is unknown they will be informed that the school is closed for the whole day and that they will be contacted prior to the start of the next school day (following a reassessment of the site and conditions).

Should parents wish to make contact with the school, they should do so via email on the general school email address

Emergency closures within a school day

If the school has to be closed during the school day, the school will begin the following procedures:

  • Parents will initially be contacted by a group text sent from the school safeguarding phone to ensure that the message is received as soon as possible. (Parents must ensure they have given the school office an up-to-date mobile telephone number at all times)
  • Parents will be informed and asked to contact their transport operators to see what the earliest collection can be. The school will be informed of this.
  • If any parents or transport operators are unable to collect pupils at the earlier time, it may be necessary to organise alternative travel arrangements

On such occasions, our main aim is to ensure the safety of the children on the school site whilst waiting to be collected.

Moving to Virtual School

In the event of a closure, Egham Park School is able to immediately adapt to an online provision. It will be the responsibility of school staff to alert all pupils and give instructions on how to join the virtual school that day. All pupils have their own Chromebooks so can access remoter learning.